Thursday, November 12, 2015

Challenge Arena MVPs!

Uh...IB, EE, IAs, IOCs. FOAs coming up, doing Great Gatsby for English A. University applications are starting and I'll be looking to take psychology in NTU.

We recently finished our IOCs, and they were INSANE. At least I got a text that I really enjoyed for my IOCs, even though I know I was sh!t at it since my average results during the three practices we did in class were low...

My scores were in the 18-20 range (IB score 5) while some of my friendly rivals were getting 20 and above, aaaaaagh.

Welp, new feature in Brave Frontier that I totally gave up in for this week...

Challenge Arena! (no seriously after a while this mode gets pretty repetitive)

Challenge Arena is basically Frontier Hunter, Arena style. It's a Global Exclusive feature at the time of writing. Rewards include gems and a new type of currency for a new in-game summon.

Restrictions set in place for this mode include:

1. Every single match will include an arena Random Rule.
2. Sphere effects WILL NOT BE IN EFFECT. Extra Skills that do not require spheres will still work, however.
3. HC recovery and drop rate is significantly lower.
4. Have a team that is way too strong and you risk your opponent attacking first.
5. HP and BB gauges will carry on from one match to the next.
6. Once a unit goes down for the count, they remain down until you revive them, or until the next ranking day starts.
7. BB gauge resets at the end of each day AND if you enter the unit in a match with the 'empty BB gauge start' rule.

Of course, there are some units that perform exceedingly well in this mode. This time, I will be highlighting some units that are AWESOME in this mode, especially in certain situations. I will be splitting this into two categories: LS-wise and BB-wise.

Let's go!

Part 1: LS-wise

1. 80% ATK boost LS

Why: These units provide a universal boost to ATK for ALL units. There are no restrictions in element for these units. They also have their own uses!

Alpha and Yuura recovers a portion of HP for every attack, Rize helps with HC drop (though this isn't very favorable in this mode), Ultor boosts DEF by 50% and boosts element-based extra damage, Zenia boosts BB gauge during Spark and boosts BB damage, Toutetsu boosts ATK by 50% more given the unit has full HP, and Melchio boosts BB gauge greatly after each normal attack and gives a small chance to ignore defense. Lune boosts element damage from Water and Fire units, along with boosting BB damage. And HADARON, bane of all existences in this mode, boosts ATK and DEF relative to remaining HP, with BB and SBB that grants stealth...

2. Five Light LS

Why: These squads provide elemental bonuses and resistances. At 7*, they boost ATK by 100%!

Quaid is very focused on BB recovery. Michele is more balanced between survivability and BB recovery, while Krantz is more focused on survivability compared to the other two. Another last unit you might want to consider is Lodin, since despite being 6*, his LS provides a nice boost to BB gauge fill rate and boosts ATK by 50%, and he provides a nice BB gauge boost in his BB and SBB, something that Dia and Eric might lack. And you REALLY need BB gauge sustainability in this mode.

3. Soul Covenant Charis

Why: This kid boosts hit counts, which boosts BC drop, HC drop, and damage! His regular BB also boosts HC and BC drop, also boosting hit count, and he is perfectly capable to rain down hell from normal attacks alone.

4. Neptunian Tridon

Why: An absolute NIGHTMARE to face against with the 'no BB' rule, he boosts HP by 40% and mitigates 10% of damage taken. And his shield. Can't forget his shield!

5. Oracle Knight Ark, Twilight God Grahdens, Mad Heretic Gazia

Why: 35% boost to all stats. Ark boosts BC drop rate and has a nice ES, Grahdens mitigates light and dark damage by 15%, while Gazia...hoo boy. 10% mitigation from all attacks, 35% boost to all stats, and a mitigation BB. Good luck.

6. Sanguine Hood Ciara

Why: A massive powerhouse in Arena, she boosts Fire, Water, Earth, and Thunder attack by 120% and boosts elemental damage. That alone should be enough to make her a viable choice for leads, especially for the 'No BB' rule, since her LS doesn't help with BB gauge fill much...

Part 2: MVP Units

1. Galactic Treasure Ivris & Wave Breaker Quartz

Why: THEIR ES. Both of them has an ES that provides them survivability from 1 KO attack, though this is more reliable with Ivris. They do not wear off after one Arena match, so you can use them multiple times without worrying too much about them suddenly dying. What's more, these two units also heal (though Quartz is more of a HoT buffer), and since it's hard to recover HP in this mode, these buffs are REALLY USEFUL.

2. Offensive mitigators

Why: When your enemies start pulling out all of these 7* units, you WILL need something to mitigate incoming damage, especially when they all start with all of their BB gauges filled/have a REALLY offensive LS.

Barienna is really good if you managed to get her, since her BB is an AOE even at base form. Gazia, if you've beaten his trial, can also provide an emergency BB boost. Shera is also nice for more damage. Old man Darvanshell is not really recommended, since he isn't very good offensively.

3. Grand Malediction Yuura & Gaia Sennin Oguro (No BB)

Why: Fill these guys' BB gauges up before using them. Once you do, on 'No BB' match rules, THEY DOMINATE. Their ES really helps in that regard, since it boosts their ATK if their BB gauge is filled.

4. BC and HC buffers, used in conjunction with AOE multi-hit BBs

Outstanding examples include Soul Covenant Charis (BB), Valkyrie Archangel Griel, Angelic Paladin Will (BB), Angelic Blades Sefia (SBB), and Neptunian Tridon (SBB).

Why: Helps with BB gauge and HP regen. Griel is practically the best unit in this category. Combine Griel with a TON of sparkers and wait for two or more of your units to BB, including Griel. I can guarantee you'll recover most, if not all, of your HP. Griel also has a high BB proc rate, so that's nice!

That's all I can really think of at the moment...I'm currently raising my Lunaris and Alyut for general use, while prepping my Semira for Eriole EX Trial.

Now to finish my Psychology IA...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Some more Brave Frontier tips, tricks, and fun facts for you all...

School's starting tomorrow so I thought I should get this out while I can.

Okay, so I got more tips based on some experiences I have throughout my Brave Frontier F2P journey. These tips could be considered a rework of my old post, but I hope you guys can find this useful either way.

1. Boss/miniboss units DO NOT DROP for the most part.

If the boss in question is a RS unit, at least 3* in rarity, or is a storyline boss, chances are that they WILL NOT DROP. There are some exceptions, though. Lario's batch will not drop at the first map of Mistral. Mob boss units will not drop if you encounter them anytime after the first map of Mistral. Certain mob units/Lario's batch has a chance to drop if they're encountered as minibosses. Zebra, Mare, and Zurg, despite being storyline bosses, can drop if you're lucky enough. Mifa, fought in JP's latest map Rakshult, is a rather interesting case. He has a unit sprite like Mare and Zebra, so it's hinted that he IS capturable, but it's uncertain WHEN he'll be available for players to obtain.

2. Summon ONLY during Popular Units Rates Up (GLOBAL).

As of now, in Global, there is no such thing as a 'Rates Up' when units of a batch are first released. Popular Units Rates Up is when these units' rates are truly raised. If you want a shot at that Raaga you so desperately seek summon when his rates are up at that time.

JP has no rates up when a unit batch is initially released, but at least they have 2 summon doors, and the Super RS gate is 3 gems per summon when a new batch is released.

3. Starting out? Pick Selena as your starter.

No, seriously. Okay, I said that she was the weakest starter unit, with a mediocre HP pool and bad DEF, but now, she is OP. As a 7*, she is an absolute beast. Her ES allows her to survive an attack that would otherwise kill her, aka an Angel Idol effect, and boosts all her stats by 20% if Lexida is equipped. Lexida not only covers her poor HP pool, it also doubles her hit counts, effectively giving double HC and BC drops every time she attacks regularly. And to top it all off, Lexida is obtained through Selena's GGC, which is one of the easiest GGC to clear! She can solo Vargas's GGC AND is capable of being a one-woman army in Arena, and is a staple and, for the most part, a key unit in Quests (HoT buff + BC and HC drop) and Arena. She isn't dubbed the 'Queen of Arena' for nothing, you know.

4. This game is neither P2W nor P2P. It is an F2P game, and buying gems does make things easier, but it is by no means necessary to succeed.

Okay, I have had enough of this sh!t from non-BF players, or BF players who just don't know any better. I was watching some gameplay of Final Fantasy Record Keeper to see if it was actually worth downloading (it is for all you Final Fantasy nuts like me, but since it requires a minimum of iOS 7, I can't download it yet T_T), when I saw a comment on one of the videos, asking if the game was F2P like Brave Frontier. A comment reply said that yes, it's F2P, 'unlike Brave Sh!t'. I believe the comment was long since deleted, but I was laughing my @$$ off when I realize that hey, I'm an F2P player who's succeeding!

Brave Frontier is by no means a P2W game. Sure, buying gems makes things easier for players because buying gems = more Rare Summons = more chances at better units/better typings for your units. It doesn't mean that you NEED to buy gems to succeed. Sure, the strongest units start at 5* (Kira batch onwards), but most 6* units are still viable to use in late game, and all are still usable early on (yes, even Eric). I was still running around with Lucca lead, Darvanshell, Ragshelm, ORACLE 7* Colt with ES NOT ACTIVE, and 5* KANON in Celgrad in JP, after my long hiatus. And this was BEFORE the Oracle type buff in JP, so Oracle STILL was a cut in HP for higher REC. And only my Kanon and Darvanshell were at MAX level.

Point is, don't just regard the game as 'P2W' because you get 'horrible' units. Old units get 7* evolutions too you know, and most 7* units cover each others' weaknesses, even with similar skillsets. Just look at the LS sparker trio of Roa, Raaga, and Maharu! If gems are your problem, Global gives 1 every week through daily login, and it can be obtained starting at Group 8, while in JP, they have regular monthly gem giveaways. Frontier Hunter is also a good place to farm gems.

5. Unit > Type.

By now, most unit's base stats are amazing. So, if you get a particularly good unit such as Aaron, Krantz, Nadleeh, Chalice, or Maharu, don't just ditch the unit because it's an Oracle/Breaker/any type you don't want, especially if you NEED that particular unit or if that was your first. Remember, type doesn't really matter since there are imps, and spheres such as the Heresy Orb, Fallacy Orb, and Veragando can help with stats.

ONLY when you get a double unit the type starts to matter, and even then, ESPECIALLY if your first unit is already imped/dual-sphered/has UBB and their type is worse than the second one you pulled, you might want to keep the one with better typing as a side project.

But still. If you have the Anima, keep the Anima. A LOT of people will have your head if you ditch the Anima, unless you already have the Anima as your first summon and you kept it.

6. Just because his level's higher than you does NOT mean he's a better player.

(This here is a retelling of a story from one of the Brave Frontier groups I'm part of. My friend from the Confirmation Sacrament at church shared this to me.) 

So, you got an Elza. She's a good unit, especially early on and for Arena. She's got high hit counts, can curse, and her drop check's pretty good. Nice LS too. You go to your higher-level friend, and he says, yes, put her as leader. So you do.

But then, you summon a Zelnite. And a Lucca. AND a Raaga. You get your Raaga to 6* and then you go to your friend. He suggests you keep your leader as 5* Elza because of cost issues. You do that.

Fast-forward to a few days later. You're talking to a friend and she says you should've used Raaga as your lead. You say no, your cost is not enough, and your higher-levelled friend said himself that you should keep your lead as Elza. And, since she's at level 120 and your friend is at level 154, you're going to follow your level 154 friend's advice to win, since he's a better player.

You, my friend, need to know this. A higher-level friend does not mean he's a better player!

Let's put this into perspective, shall we? There are level 40 players with 7* units, and level 150 players who died a lot during Mecha Totem runs. Level 140 players with Ark, level 120 with Xie'Jing, and level 190 who hasn't cleared Seria or Afla Dilith. Level 140 who has 6* Grahdens, and level 200 who doesn't. Level 200 at Arena Rank of General, and level 180 at Cherubium. Level 175 who hasn't finished Quests, and level 145 who cleared all Quests and bonus dungeons.

In Brave Frontier, PLAYER LEVEL DOESN'T MEAN SH!T IF YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT THE PLAYER'S SUCCESS! It isn't about how high your level is. Sure, he's got a high level, but if all he's been doing is spamming the Monday dungeon, Fourfold Pillar, or Changing the World, then it isn't that impressive now is it? Player level only matters in team-building and energy in higher levels.

Part of the fun in Brave Frontier is making your OWN team to suit your OWN needs. Play around with your available units, see what works best for you. Read Leader Skill and Brave Burst effects, see what your team needs and who you can cut to save cost. For example, Raaga can cover Rosetta and Feeva/Zelnite if set as leader, while Lucca is a more effective LS BB gauge supporter compared to Elza if you don't have much BC production. If you're sh!t at sparking, maybe you'd want Zelnite, Feeva, Lucca, or Elza as your leader, but if your team is build around sparking, the Raaga, Rosetta, Maharu, or Roa is the better leader.

Don't just blindly follow a higher-levelled player's (make that ANY PLAYER'S) advice. Asking advice from other players is part of the learning process, but if it's just one person, then that's not exactly much now is it?

Look, I could've followed my friend's advice to bring my Anima Ruby for Seria (in JP). Instead, I used Raaga lead, Colt, Elimo, Selena, Feeva, and Bestie friend, and I won with relative ease compared to him, who wasted all his Crescent Dews and Revive Lights!

I guess that's all for now, folks! Back to IB life, here I go...

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Total Raid Overhaul?!

Yep, the Krantz update in JP servers included a major overhaul to the Raid Battle system. And I kid you not, Raid just got far more manageable there. At least, in my opinion.

You know Draegar? That @$$ from Raid X1 in Global that managed to gain the ire of Raiders for a very long time, especially those who need those evolution materials for Elaina and Grandt but RNG just hates them? This new Raid system would make him slightly more manageable...if Global would just stop bugging out so often.

So, what's the overhaul? Well, you know how you gotta move from one location to the next? In the old Raid battle format, every time you move, you'll have to face mooks. It gets annoying if you need to get back to the camp ASAP because your health is low.

However, in JP, you're able to move from one location to the next WITHOUT facing mooks. You get to choose where you want to fight mooks to gain BB gauges. Bosses are automatically fought upon arriving at their location.

So...what you want to do for the majority of the Raid bosses in JP is to pop a Detector, go to a tile near the boss, and battle there. Fill BB gauges, then attack the boss. For Granomos and Medronomus, you'll want to be careful on where you're going to battle because if you're unlucky, you're gonna fight them with empty BB gauges.

Welp, that's all I wanted to say for now. School's starting in a week so...yeah...

Bye guys!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Making a big comeback in JP! (+ current events in JP servers)

I am back to playing intensively in the JP servers!

It's been two years since Brave Frontier first opened its gates to Grand Gaia and JP is celebrating it REALLY WELL. Right now, there's a half-energy event for EVERY SINGLE THING IN THE GAME (useful for farming levels, evo mats and metal units), daily metal/jewel keys (2 of a type each day, alternating), Super Honor Summon (no ghosts), increased Honor Points during questing (40 for strangers, 80 for friends), fusion rates up, and 2000 Honor Points daily. These events will last until July 16.

They also have a 'get a unit you want' campaign. It's accessible in the banners (the one with the '1') and is available until July 10. Just fill in the form in the web page the banner links to (The question is: How did you find out about Brave Frontier?) and select the unit element, the unit you want, and the type you want the unit to be. That's how I got my Krantz (Anima).

There is also a daily 2 gem giveaway as a part of the 2-year celebration, and by the end of this event, it totals to 124 gems.

They also have a 10-day summer giveaway that totals to 25 gems, 1 Crystal set, 100 Medals, 4 Burst Frogs, 1 Burst Emperor, 5000 Achievement Points, 1 imp set, 1 Almighty Imp Alton, and 1 Sphere Frog...seriously Alim is great when it comes to giveaways.

Another new feature in the Japan servers is the fact that there are 2 types of Rare Summons. The Super Rare Summon gate contains units that have 7* potential and start at 5*. It contains units from Feeva's batch onwards. 1 summon costs 5 gems, but when it first came out, it was 3 gems per summon.

The regular Rare Summon contains all units prior to Feeva, and does not include units from the Super Rare Summon gate. It costs 3 gems to summon from this gate.

I am practically living the life in JP. All I've been doing is summoning from the Super Rare Summon gate when it was 3 gems per summon and whaddya know? I got loads of good units. Here's a breakdown of the great units I got in no particular order (evolved some already, and don't mind some of these units, I was on an evolving spree):

-Rivera (B)
-Regrard (B)
-Medina (A)
-Kafka (L)
-Raaga (O)
-Aaron (G)
-Claire (A)
-Feeva (G)
-Yuura (L)
-Reis (O)
-Yuura (A)
-Colt (G)
-Alpha (B)
-Alpha (G)

I actually also got an oracle Alpha but that went as fodder for my Quaid.

Now comes the next problem: COST.

Seeing that I want my Krantz to be ready for future content, I will be raising his level while placing him in my main squad until I get my Aaron to 6* near-MAX level. That way, I can focus on Krantz easily when I finally evolve him to 7*.

But before that I'll beat Cardes first because my cost will not be enough to hold these units if they hit 7*. That's what my Kafka is for.

And right now I'm farming the level 4 Monday dungeon because of the high EXP/EN ratio...literally got 1 level up in 5 minutes.

SO! I still need more friends in JP. If you play in the Japanese servers, here is my player data:

Bye guys!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Blades and Blossoms...

I am so sorry for not being able to update for such a long time! I joined a camp, like the one around this time last year, and met up with my bro KirinMax AGAIN! It's weird though, we were so awkward with each other last year, this year we were around each other pretty much 90% of the time during free time and whenever there isn't any group-related activities.

BUT! New GGC. Right. Finished it a while back, let's hope my memory isn't rusty...

I trust with the abundance of 7* units, the first two stages will be easy. Then you reach the final one, Blades and Blossoms. Okay, fine, but what's this? No continues?

No gemming here?!

Welp...this is gonna be hard.

I only managed to beat this GGC after a few failed trials...first time 'round I brought my Lance for the ATK relative to DEF boost, and I failed. Then I swapped my Lance in favor of Magress's UBB buff...only to fail because of mistiming of the UBB. Then I used the exact same squad.


First thing's first: my squad. It's a weird hybrid between "being able to have constant defense" to "HELL NAW LET'S ATTACK", with these components (all MAX level):

Heavenly Emperor Kanon (G, UBB unlocked) lead
Galactic Treasure Ivris (B, UBB unlocked)
Dark Demigod Ardin (A, SBB 10)
Thunder Savior Shera (A, SBB 1)
Dark Legend Magress (B, UBB unlocked)
Cataclysm Empress Feeva (L, UBB unlocked) friend

First thing's first, though. For this fight, your squad needs at least 8.5k HP to survive on account of these two enemies just NULLIFYING leader skills after a certain point.

Kanon as leader because of his nice HP and DEF boost in leader skill, as well as his null status ailment, AND his DEF buff boost. Highest in the game, tied with Elimo, for SBB at 7*. The spheres I gave him are Legwand Gem and Blessed Robe.

Ivris as a healer, Angel Idol buff on herself (saves one Revive), and emergency BB booster and status nuller when LS goes down. While she is a Breaker, I equipped her with Drevas and an Evil Shard to help with her BB recovery, HP, and DEF.

Ardin for the Light and Dark element buff, which helped to bring the fight to a quicker close. Not only that, he has a nice ATK down debuff on his SBB, and considering the insane damage potential of Kikuri and Sefia in this fight I'd say it was useful. Spheres equipped were Legwand Gem and Virtue Stone.

Shera as the mitigator. I can't stress this too much: YOU NEED TO MITIGATE EVERY TURN FOR THIS GGC. Kikuri and Sefia can deal insane damage, especially when they null LS and then nulls your buffs. The ATK boost is useful too. Spheres were Legwand Gem and Ihsir's Guise, for the BB gauge return.

Magress as a backup mitigator and DEF buffer. On turns where LS is nulled, I tend to mitigate the first turn and activate Magress's UBB gauge, then use his UBB the next turn, then go back to Shera's regular mitigation until the next time they null LS, in which I tend to use any backup Fujins I have remaining if the Overdrive Gauge isn't filled yet. Spheres equipped are Leomurg and Evil Shard.

Feeva for the BC and HC drop boost (highest in the game right now), and the boost to BB gauge fill rate and BC drop rate during Spark LS. She's really useful so that you can spam BB/SBB every turn. Spheres on her are Spirit Tiara and Heresy Orb, and she was fully-imped.

As for the fight consists of two battles, the second one being considerably longer than the first.

First battle is against four Archangels and a Sky Goddess Raquel. They hit pretty hard so you might want to mitigate from turn 1, if possible. In this setup, I gave a Fujin to Shera and Feeva and had them SBB. This brought everyone's BB gauges to MAX and I pretty much SBB-spammed towards the end of this battle.

The next battle is the main event. First off, it's just Holy Blades Sefia. Try to manage your BB gauges well in this segment. Mitigate every turn, get Kanon's DEF buff up, heal when necessary, the usual. Whittle her health down to 50% and Death Idol Kikuri will appear. After this point just do your usual thing (mitigate, heal when necessary, etc., though you should be able to SBB spam safely at this point with Feeva lead and her BC buff) and the battleground will change to the Frontier Hunter background.

This is where it starts to get hard.

Sefia will recover all her health at this point. Focus fire on her.

During this fight, Kikuri will be able to recover HP, while Sefia will be able to remove buffs on one of your units. This is why Ardin's ATK down buff is a godsend; THESE TWO HIT HARD.

When Kikuri's health falls below 50%, she will recover all her health. Switch targets to her and attack.

Make sure their HP isn't too far apart, for reasons I will cover later on. If the HP gap becomes bigger, use STBB and attack normally until the HP gap lessens.

Supposedly, when the two's HP falls below half, they will null LS for 3 turns. Now, I say 'supposedly' because for some odd reason, when Sefia's HP falls below half while Kikuri's HP is still well over half, my team's Leader Skills still got nulled. Meh.

After the LS null wears off, they will null LS again approximately 2-4 turns later, so be on your toes and use BB/SBB appropriately! THIS is where Magress's UBB can come in handy, especially since at this point, their attacks hit HARD.

Another thing to note is that Extra Skills do NOT get nullified.

FINAL THING! You have to kill them at the same time. If you kill one before the other, you are REQUIRED to kill the other in the next turn. Failure to do so will allow the remaining girl to revive the dead one. To full health. If that happens, do yourself a favor and just ragequit.

You get the usual stuff: 3 gems, Zel, Karma, and a Sphere reward. The Sphere reward is the Spirit Tiara, which boosts ATK, DEF, and REC of a unit by 65% when the unit's HP is above half. It's really useful for Anima units, and my latest leader's sphere build relies on the Spirit Tiara.

Guess I'll see you guys soon!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Group 4 Project DONE!!!


So, just in case you're wondering why I haven't been talking about Brave Frontier a lot, especially with extra trial The Green Menace out with no posts on party setups, OR on the Halloween Global units making an appearance in JP as VORTEX UNITS (lucky buggers...), it was because of the Group 4 Project.

IB peeps, it's that time of the year again, when the pressure is coming strong and hard! Grade 12 has their exams, while we have the freaking Group 4 Project!

Remind me to never procrastinate again.

OKAY! At the moment, I'm placing my Brave Frontier JP on Auto when tromping along in Ishgria while I'm updating a blog for our Group 4 Project.

Yes people, we have a blog for our Group 4 Project results.

Find out about the science of sprinting over at that blog! Link provided below~

Thanks in advance for checking it out!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Trial X2...

And...I'm back.

Just finished this Trial a few days ago...and it took me 3 HOURS (with breaks). Starting from the moment I got dismissed from school (3:10 pm) up until a few hours after I finished my piano lesson (6:15 pm).


First of all, to access this Trial, you must have beaten Trial X1 already, which is the Xenon and Estia trial. Then, you're gonna have access to this trial, which makes you go against the Battle Maidens. First battle is against Cayena, Lico, and Fennia, and the second battle is against Vanila, Bayley, and Serin.

My squad setup is mainly focused on survivability, and here are its components:

Tyrant Lilly Matah (Breaker) leader, with Phoenix Eye and Legwand Gem
Massacre God Belfura (Anima), with Legwand Gem
Guardian Goddess Tia (Breaker, level 67), with Legwand Gem
Mad God Narza (Breaker), with Dandelga and Evil Shard
Thunder Savior Shera (Anima), with Legwand Gem and Evil Shard
Heavenly Emperor Kanon (Lord) friend, UBB unlocked, with Malice Jewel and Ihsir's Guise

Lilly Matah's LS provides a nice boost to BB gauge when attacked, and when coupled with either her SBB or Narza's BB gauge fill when attacked SBB, it becomes pretty damn OP.

I used Belfura because she is a tank, and her BB and SBB allows the enemy to be hit with ATK and/or DEF debuffs for 1 turn. Her SBB also fills the BB gauge, though less than Zelnite's SBB.

Tia is currently one of the best pure healers in the game, if not the best. She heals, gives HP regen for 3 turns, and in her SBB, gives BB gauge regen for 3 turns.

I used double mitigators for this fight, because Cayena really enjoys draining your BB gauges.

Kanon's LS provides a 30% boost to DEF and HP, as well as nullifying status ailments, which allows me to bring Tia instead of Ulkina to this fight, who lacks the HP regen. His SBB provides a huge DEF boost (one of the best in the game as of now), and his UBB mitigates 50% of damage received for 3 turns.

As for the battle itself...

Battle 1: vs. War Rocket Cayena, Raid Bolt Fennia, and Demon Blade Lico

-Cayena drains BB gauges
-Fennia can inflict DEF down
-Lico has a strong STBB
-Every 3 turns, guard all your units because they will inflict heavy damage and will nullify all your buffs

Their HP thresholds are at 50%. Cayena in particular will start going insane BEFORE 50%, from my experience (around 60%). When "I AM RIGHTEOUS!" pops out, she will drain ALL of your units' BB gauges to 0, but thankfully it will not remove buffs. THIS is why I recommend a Matah lead. She will do it again after 50% (40% or 30%, will have to reconfirm).

She is also programmed to attack the unit with the least HP at least 50% of the time, which makes her the most threatening unit in this fight. However, I would not recommend killing her first. The moment she dies, Fennia and Lico will gain an ignore DEF buff, which can be pretty deadly (pretty is an understatement lol), especially when you put Lico's extremely strong STBB into consideration.

At 50% HP, Lico will do an INSANE STBB that you will most probably not survive unless you guard + mitigate. I would recommend killing her first, though.

Fennia provides the least threat in this phase, arguably. Before 50%, she will put up a mitigating shield around her team, for a few turns (2 or 3 I believe). Starting at 50%, she will be able to use Galvanizing Pulse often, which has a chance to inflict DEF down on your units. She used it two turns in a row once.

All 3 will gain ATK and CRIT buff around this point.

As soon as the battle starts, I gave a Fujin to my Narza and had him use his SBB, while everyone else attacked normally. Then, I tend to alternate mitigation between Narza and Shera, usually using Narza after the turn 3 insanity AOE, in conjunction with Matah and Tia's SBB for maximized BB regeneration AND HP regeneration. Belfura's SBB will ONLY be used in an emergency (she was SBB 1 at that time), and most of the other times I used her BB. I try to use Kanon's SBB the turn after the turn 3 insanity to try and soften more of the maidens' damage on my team.

Tia's HP regen is a godsend in this fight. With it, there's no need to heal every turn, something which you might need to do if you were to use Ulkina, Altri, Ivris, and the like. The reason why I wouldn't recommend Phoenix is that not only are his stats severely outclassed by now, but he technically isn't a burst healer - he only gives a heal over time buff.

Battle 2: vs. Sky Angel Vanila, Wild Slash Bayley, and Gun Goddess Serin

-Vanila has a RTBB that can inflict most status ailments (poison, weak, injury, paralysis)
-Serin can inflict taunt on one of your units for focus fire
-Bayley heals every 5 (?) turns, 50000 HP per heal
-Serin mitigates a LOT in this fight (once every 3/4 (need confirmation) turns the mitigation shield is gone)

This fight is more of an endurance test more than anything. First thing that you WILL find out is that Bayley WILL heal her team for 50000 HP every few turns. Be careful; she is capable of putting you in something similar to the notorious Sacred Song Loop from Maxwell fame if you can't hurt her more than she heals. She will gain an Angel Idol buff at approximately 20% HP, and at this point you really should just focus fire on her until she goes down for good. I don't know if she will reapply the Angel Idol buff because at that point, the mitigation shield is gone and I overkilled her with Kanon's UBB.

Actually, Vanila's RTBB is a godsend in this fight if you bring someone with 'fills BB gauge when attacked' LS or BB/SBB effect because each of the random hit is treated as one attack, so you can go from empty BB gauge to full in almost no time.

HP thresholds are at 50% HP. Bayley and Serin just unleashes a strong MTBB on everyone. Vanila ALSO does that, but it's arguably worse if you don't mitigate and guard in her case. My friend's Kanon died when he wasn't guarding (mitigation shield on); that should give you an idea.

I would recommend killing Bayley off first for this portion. It's really easy to regain BB gauges in this fight because no one steals BB gauges here. However, I suggest focus-firing on Bayley initially before focusing on Serin, killing Vanila last. If Serin and Bayley are out of the way your damage output is drastically increased. Not only that, try activating Overdrive one or two turns before the mitigating shield goes down so you can unleash it For Massive Damage.

Vanila gained an Angel Idol buff towards the end of the fight, but I'm not so sure if Serin was the one who applied it to her, if she got it from Bayley beforehand, or if it was supposed to happen once her HP reached 20% or so.

Completing this quest, you get a Gem, EXP, Zel, and Blighted Seal.

Blighted Seal: Boosts ATK by 100%, CRIT damage by 50%, lowers DEF and REC by 20%

It's an OP sphere alright.

Good luck with this trial!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

I'm back in JP servers!

I'm finally back in JP servers.


But my team right now is so outdated are you kidding me. This is how I left my team:

Lucca, level 34 (Anima) leader
Ragshelm, level 28 (Breaker)
Darvanshell, level MAX (Lord)
Ulkina, level MAX (Breaker)
Luther, level MAX (Guardian)

But, with the rates up just today, I've summoned quite a few good units, not to mention I got Feeva, Kanon, and Tora before I went on a hiatus in my JP file. The units I just summoned today? They were Ivris (Anima), Fadar (Breaker), and Kurt (Oracle).

That being said, I'm reworking my main team because let's face it...cost problems are just so limiting on your team's potential. So, after I get everyone up to speed, I'll rework my main team...

I have a few setups in mind, so I'll put them up here.

Setup 1 (Main team):

Feeva (B) leader
Darvanshell (L)
Ivris (A)/Ulkina (B)
Fadar (B)/Kurt (O)/Ragshelm (B)
Lucca (A)/Luther (G)

Setup 2 (Arena team?/Speed-clear team?):

Kurt (O) leader
Maxwell (L)
Fadar (B)/Tora (G)
Feeva (B)
Kanon (L)

Those are the 2 main setups I was thinking about but these are subject to change.

Well, right now I'm raising my Tora, Yujeh, and Ivris for Trial 004. Fadar, Kanon, Kurt, and Feeva are more or less works in progress as of writing, since I'm just getting everyone to 6* right now.

Friend slots are open, by the way. I use either Lucca or Feeva as leaders, both 6*. Cost problems...

ID: 23603487
IGN: Raiko

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

7* units are out! Tips to get them!

I'm back!

After a refreshing CAS trip with friends to Batam, a movie marathon with the same friends at Ciwalk where we watched Cinderella and Insurgent, and a new update from Brave Frontier, I'm back!

So, new update, 7* units are out. We have the 7* forms of the Six Heroes now, and their LS boosts are insane. 100% ATK and 30% HP boost to those of the same type? Are you kidding me?!

The moment I found out about the update, I grabbed my phone, updated Brave Frontier, went in the Earth Mecha Totem dungeon, and evolved my Lance. So my leader now is Earth Legend Lance, SBB 1, Anima.

Coming from someone who got a 7* unit already, here are some tips for obtaining them.

1. The Legend Stone

You can get a Legend Stone by trading for one in Daily Quests. Right now, it's on a sale at 100 BP per stone, one per week. It is an evolution material required for a unit to hit 7*.

It's the icon on the far right on the evolution screen. Sometimes it does not appear; it's a visual glitch. I was still able to evolve my Lance despite the icon being invisible.

The requirements to evolve a unit from the Six Heroes batch to 7* include:

1 Mecha Totem
1 Miracle Totem
1 Totem
1 Idol
1 Legend Stone

2. Energy requirements

It's 70 energy per run. You SHOULD be prepared for a marathon battle. And you probably should be really sure if you're gonna run this dungeon, since 70 energy is no small amount. The Trials are 50 energy, for crying out loud!

3. Team

I recommend using elements that are strong to the dungeon you aim to clear. For example, if you want to go to the Earth Mecha Totem dungeon, use a mainly-fire team. The totem's AOEs hit pretty hard, especially if they decide to use it 3 times in a row.

That's where the Light and Dark totems become a problem. My solution? Cardes lead. That 20% damage reduction can work wonders.

You need a damage mitigator and a healer too, for failsafe.

Like most (if not all) enemies in the game, they can be inflicted with ATK and DEF down debuffs, so if you have Ardin, Fiora, Ragshelm, or the like, feel free to use them.

4. Dungeon layout

The dungeon consists of three battles.

First battle is from a round of mooks that you SHOULD be able to curbstomp easily. I would suggest gaining BC for the BB gauges here because...

Battle 2 is against a group of elite mooks from the Thunderbird line. SBB spam if necessary, but try to keep the gauge filled out for the third battle.

Battle 3 is against the totem and IT HITS HARD. Ultor or mitigators will work wonders here. It only knows an AOE other than regular attacking, so don't worry about Chaos Trilogy-like attacks!

Well...I guess that's all I need to say right now. Good luck with your first 7* unit!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Status update

Hey guys,

So, tomorrow, I'm going to Batam for my CAS Trip. I'm not excited for it, though, I just want to stay in Bandung.

It's not that I'm being bullied; no, not at all. It's not the fact that I'll be spending five days with my classmates, one of them being my crush; I enjoy spending time with them. It's not the fact that I'll be unable to play any video games, or listen to any of my music.

No, it's the fact that my pet cat is terminally ill and can die at any given moment.

That sounds silly, but let me explain.

I had him from when he was a kitten, back when I was still is K1. That makes him more than 12 years old by now.

I haven't been able to spend time with him ever since Sec 4, since I was so busy with IGCSEs that time (and IB now), and due to paranoia after our house had very nearly been robbed. We don't hire workers anymore, and we kept our cat in my cousins' house.

And now I got the soul-crushing news that he's gonna die very soon.

I just...can't.

I might not update for quite a while, so...yeah. The five days of the trip, and later on too.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cheesing TWEWY's bonus boss on Ultimate! (SPOILER ALERT)

Argh, finally sat down to update this blog again. We have to start our Extended Essay, and I'm doing it on Psychology. Loads of work. Not only that, my classmate's birthday just came up and I was preparing a little surprise for him. He's actually the guy who was my Secret Angel from back in December, and is also one of KirinMax's old friends. Oh, and he's also my crush, and the guy KirinMax loves to ship me with.

I drew an SAO-inspired piece, sorta like what he'd look like in the game, because he got into anime again because I introduced him to SAO. I drew him dual-wielding swords and wearing a coat that sort-of resembled Kirito's coat..

But you're not here to hear me ramble about him, right? Of course not.

I recently picked up The World Ends With You again, and once I did, I immediately headed over to "Another Day" to attempt to beat Panthera Cantus...AGAIN. I only managed to beat him twice, on Easy and Normal, just to get the King Arthur pin. One to evolve to Excalibur (BPP), the other for pin mastery.

The reason I want to fight him? That Black Jupiter pin. Initial drop rate is 13%, I believe, so eating 8 Curious Mushrooms should be enough to max up its drop rate at level 100.

It goes without saying that my level is set back to 100, and I already buffed some of my stats with food (mostly HP and BRV though).

My team specs are as below:

-My Phones
-Lollipop's Parka
-Iron Maiden's One-piece

-Angel Feather
-Pi-Face's Cap
-Pi-Faces Jeans
-School Uniform w/Sweater

This setup is mainly focused on Defense. On Joshua's side, it's also focused on offense, and being able to score Fusion Stars throughout the fight, as well as being able to execute his ultimate aerial finisher. The Angel Feather helps tremendously, mainly due to the 2000(!!) HP boost.

I used the Eden Set, and Splish Splash Barrier, for pins. This, of course, requires all pin slots.

The basic strategy for this fight is hit-and-run for Joshua's side. Panthera Cantus has insane attack (1000, are you kidding me?), so if you see him on the ground, levitate, get some hits in, try to get a finisher in if possible. See him in the air, teleport back down. Get rid of the shadows as much as possible, because he might then waste turns trying to bring up more of them before attacking.

On Neku's side, the Eden Set grants him immunity when he holds the Light Puck. Get a combo in with Josh, then move around as much as possible. If ever Josh gets hit and you enter SOS, pull up the barrier and heal. It takes 33 seconds to recharge, so you can just play the evasion game with Josh until the pin reboots if ever you need healing.

Take note that the Light Puck WILL wear off after a certain amount of time (depending on sync rate), so you need to keep Neku moving too. This is also why maxing up sync with your partner is detrimental for this fight.

Save your Fusion for the end of the fight, so that you'll have no need to fight long when the yellow HP bar of Panthera is depleted, because at that point, he just becomes aggressive. Not only that, since Neku and Joshua's level 3 Fusion is just too OP, just use it shortly after the yellow HP bar is depleted.

And whaddya know!


All that's left for me is to find those damn Fifenfrogs for the last Darklit Planet pin. Argh...

Well, I guess that's it, and good luck fighting this boss!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Enmei Chiryou (Translyrics)

This might be horrible, so...yeah.

Enmei Chiryou is one of my favorite songs by Neru, actually, because of it's pacing and, well, the fact that it's rock and that it's NERU.

Neru's known for his dark works, so...yeah.

Please credit me if you wish to use these lyrics!

Disclaimer: I do not own the original song. I only created the translyrics. The song's composer is Neru, and the Vocaloid he used for this song is IA.


This anesthesia; it’s piercing through my veins.
They say with only this, I can feel happiness…
And looking to the west, you see dolls being played,
While looking to the east, it seems like operations’ been stopped...

Hey, ain’t it strange?
It almost seems like my head’s bugging out…
Don’t get this life of late asphyxiation…
That binary knife; it’s driving me insane -
That cast, it can’t be removed.

Patient’s state: being stuck between machinery and pride,
As both sides, hurting each other with these two limbs; limbs full of tubes and wires.
This treatment, it’s bleak and really uncertain!
Hey now, I beg of you, take me away!

“But wait, you’re getting sleepy.”

That wooden bridge, trembling irregularly,
It crumbles after raising a dull voice.
And kicked away to the side, just like trash,
It raised its voice, and laughed towards the sky.

Its left behind on that operation table,
Along with the me of yesterday, who’s weeping.
The next day, it relies too much on miracles…
So really, what are we supposed to wish for?

Symptoms bud, even if I get my freedom from visions.
And us two, we expected that we'd meet again, embracing once again…
But a ward where we have lost our utopia;
It splits us, and I have known why, from the very start…

By admitting it, my life will go on without a hitch, now ain’t that right?
“Hey, I know that it’s all my fault,
Yeah, I know that I am to blame.”
That adult I’ve always dreamt of being; well, I can’t exactly be him now!
Well that’s that, so what should I become now?

Long life, grant me a long life,
And proof, give a question of proof…
Regret, that’s my diagnosis.
How’s that?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Trial X1 is ridiculous. has been around 2 weeks after the arrival of Cardes.


If you checked out Ushi's new video on Trial X1, you can just cheese it with Hadaron, but I don't have him, so...

Imma do it MY WAY.

So, I was talking to the guys as per usual, and it seems as if I'm the second person in the group to beat Trial X1. The other person in the group, Tails, finished this Trial before I even got wind of it, but I beat it in my first try.

I used this team:

Grahdens (Lord, leader), with Legwand Gem
Mad God Narza (Breaker), with Dandelga and Evil Shard
Empyreal Drake Lodin (Oracle), heavily imped, with Legwand Gem and Evil Shard
Fire Goddess Ulkina (Anima), with Drevas and Evil Shard
Creator Maxwell (Lord), fully maxed, with Lexida and Advent Solace
Cardes the Malevolent (Lord, friend), with Dandelga and Glass Crown

There are three phases in this Trial. First is against Cursed Estia, then its against Princess Estia, and third is against Xenon & Estia. As you can see, all of these units are light...

Cursed Estia is pretty much like her encounter in the Cursed Tower. She's powered down a bit, I guess, but maybe that's because I used a Grah and Cardes combo. Not only that, she doesn't revive. THANK GOODNESS.

You want to mitigate as much as possible in this portion.

Phase 2 is against Princess Estia, who will regularly drain your BB gauges and who will also inflict a plethora of status ailments on your team. Okay, maybe just poison and curse.

You'll want to avoid BB-spamming here, and she's pretty weak, so yeah.

Phase 3 is against Xenon & Estia, and is easily the most frustrating phase of the fight. Every three turns, for the first 50% of their HP bar, they will drain some of your units' BB gauges, so having Narza's SBB up really helps matters. It's not much of a problem if you bring a Lilly Matah and her SBB is up, though.

At 50% HP, they'll start to use Elysian Glory, and at other points, they'll spam one of their AOEs multiple times that it'll best be classified as a pseudo-Endless. Because of this, you'll want to mitigate as much as possible. Every turn, if possible.

My Lodin plays the role of BB booster in this fight, but Zelnite might be a better choice for this.

So yeah. Good luck beating this Trial!

Thursday, February 5, 2015



So, we all know that Cardes was released just a few days ago. In those three days that I was despairing after wasting God knows how much energy. And whaddaya know, I finally beat Cardes just earlier!

My first strategy was just using two teams. All units are at MAX evolution AND MAX level, with SBB unlocked, unless otherwise notified.

My two teams consisted of...

Team 1:

Lilly Matah (B) lead
Altri (O)
Oulu (L)
Rowgen (L)
Lucca (A)
Grah (L) friend

Team 2:

Grah (L) lead
Nalmika (B), level 82
Shera (A), level 78
Narza (B)
Ulkina (A)
Lario (A) friend

Worked out pretty well, until I started failing horribly at the 50% mark. Then I swapped the Lario with a Tridon after leveling up my units and fiddling around with my team.


Grah (L) lead
Narza (B)
Nalmika (B)
Ulkina (A)
Maxwell (L)
Tridon (L) friend

Same thing. 50% mark dead.

FINALLY I got Zaboeth and plugged 7 frogs to get his SBB.

I then also used the split strategy, so my teams then became...

Team 1:

Lilly Matah (B) lead
Shera (A)
Altri (O)
Rowgen (L)
Ultor (B), BB 4
Grah (L) friend

Team 2:

Grah (L)
Narza (B)
Zaboeth (A)
Ulkina (A)
Maxwell (L)
Cardes (L) friend

Zaboeth is really a better choice compared to Nalmika in this fight. Let's compare the two, shall we?

+More survivability (Dark)
+BB is AOE
+Cost is lower than Nalmika, so you can add more higher-cost units to your teams
-Worse stats
-SBB does not inflict status effects

+Better stats
+STBB has high proc rate of status ailments
+SBB inflicts status ailments
-Need SBB for AOE status-effect inflicting
-SBB ailment proc rate is around the same as Zaboeth's BB (need confirmation, but it seems like this for me)
-Higher cost
-Less survivability (Earth, Luther can kill her easily if you're not careful)

The fact that Zaboeth's BB can inflict status ailments AND the fact that he's a dark unit and won't suffer from any weak element attacks in this fight is his main selling point. However, if you have Semira, I would suggest using her. So far, in Global, my choice of order for status ailment-inflicting units in this fight would be:

Semira > Zaboeth > Falma (Paralysis) > Nalmika = Luther or any other paralysis-inflicting units

As long as Luther is out of commission this fight would be easier compared to Maxwell. I was playing with no turn count (is there even one?) and won. There is really no use to try and curse Phee, but an injured Cardes is pretty much a godsend. His ATK and DEF buffs are RIDICULOUS.

Status ailments that can be inflicted include...

Zebra: Injury
Cardes: Weakness and Injury
Phee: Curse and Poison
Luther: Paralysis

Percentages to watch out for...


50%: Deadly End, 51000 damage on one unit. Guaranteed kill unless Tridon's shield and mitigator is up.

25%: Deadly End twice, 42000 damage on each unit. Guaranteed kill unless Tridon's shield and mitigator is up.

Sacrifice squad 1 here unless you're using Grah + Tridon combo lead.

Cardes (might need help for this):

70%: Foreign Light, heals 200000 HP. Deadly End twice, strong STBB

50%: Foreign Light, heals 200000 HP. Deadly End twice, strong STBB

20%: Endless, strong AOE BB

You need to kill Cardes, Luther, and Phee to officially finish this Trial.

And there you have it! Good luck fighting Cardes!

...I can't be the only one who has a weird anime crush on Cardes right? His unit design is AMAZING!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hero Run 2015 Recap!

So, if you're living in Bandung, you might have an idea about what I'm talking about.

Does #runwithapurpose ring a bell?

I'm talking about the Hero Run 2015, people!

For people who have no idea what the flying frick is going on, Hero Run 2015 is a charity run organized by the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of Sekolah Mutiara Nusantara, which is my school. The run itself was a 5-kilometer trail run, and afterwards there were 2 bands and 2 DJ performances. It was held on the 31st of January, 2015 (aka yesterday), in Sukawana Forest (actually it's called Desa Kertajaya, Sukawana is quite a ways from the actual area) of the Parongpong region.

First, let me talk about the prep. We took a total of around 4-5 months to plan and organize this event.

Not kidding.

And it was a pretty big event too! I believe around 700 tickets were sold. Sadly, my brother-from-another-mother KirinMax did not come. Something about having lessons, I think? Really can't blame him though, from what I heard his A-Levels are INSANE.

Well, re-registration started at around 11 am. Some of us were at the area starting 9.40 am or so, to help with setting up the area and cleaning up the spaces, as well as preparing the bib numbers. There were 6 re-registration tables, and two people were assigned at each table. I was with my friend Melina at the fifth table.

It really started to get packed at around...12.30 pm, I guess, when I saw three particular people form my Brave Frontier friendlist come and register: Wolves, Shiwi, and Wilosbp, along with their friend Jeremy. Let's just say we're on a race to get Cardes now.

It was drizzling at this time, but it turned sunny before the run started, thank goodness.

By 1 pm, people were coming in by the tens and the registration tables were PACKED. There were few troubles (like someone not having a ticket when registering), but other than that, everything went quite well. We were only able to sit down for a while and eat lunch starting 2.30 pm, and by then my legs were sore from standing up the entire time.

...and whaddaya know, there were already people finishing the race while we were eating. I helped give out medals for a while before going to my cousin, former Brave Frontier player Xemphis. I then took a break and started to catch up with the Brave Frontier players, Jeremy going so far as to ask me to beat Maxwell for him. I just told him he needs to get his Copra to 6* to stand a chance.

Later on, the two bands came and played. Midway through the band performances, I saw my classmate Andre and we noticed more of our classmates having SODA CANS in their hands and throwing them at the crowd.

They have really good aim, and the people in the crowd were poised to catch the cans, but we were still concerned about what the flying freak would happen if they missed and hit someone's head. We relayed this concern to our classmate Michael, and he expressed the same concern. And so we told those in the area about this concern...

Let's just say that we managed to have no injuries from that incident, and that most of us have taken to giving out the soda by hand. And people were shaking the cans and opening them so that a huge fountain of soda erupted when the opened the can. And they sprayed the soda at their friends.

Insert Not Making This Up Disclaimer here.

Then...the DJ performance started, and this is where the insanity happens.

Okay, so mineral water was given for free, right? Great! It's raining? I guess it's fine, let's just enjoy the musi- OKAY WHO THE HECK SPRAYED ME WITH WATER COME ON FESS UP

...yeah. I got drenched twice before evacuating to the sidelines. And I helped with distribution of the glowsticks, so yeah. I saw soda being sprayed too, so I was very thankful to have evacuated to the sidelines...

Another reason is that the bass was too strong for me. I literally could feel my heart slamming to my ribcage every time there's a huge THUMP. Hey, I'm a fan of J-Rock (FUNKIST and BACK-ON, anyone?), but this is just too loud...not to mention most of us were near the speakers...

It did not stop me from watching the dance-off that occurred in the middle of the crowd, however. I saw one of my friends from the church's Confirmation Sacrament Prep breakdancing in the crowd, and my classmate Melino joined in on the fun as well.

(Welp, looks like I mentioned all of the Physics students. It's just me, Michael, Andre, and Melino.)

When nighttime came, the second DJ performance was up (Astronaughty, I believe), and the crowd was in full swing.


And we were tasked to be the 'barricades', so that people will not stand too close to the stage. After a while we stopped because then the people would lose their spirit and would not jump along with the music. Good idea, I believe.

It was raining by now...

We then returned to being the barricades during the fireworks show, so that people were able to see the fireworks show.

The event ended at around 8 pm, and we were ALL TIRED. My goodness.

I was only able to sit down and reply to KirinMax's messages at around 8.20 pm. But it was a fun event, as proven by the testimonies of everyone joining.

...I look like boiled crab tbh. Forgot to put on sunscreen...

All in all, I believe the event was a success and that it was worth it. We raised almost 40 million IDR from this event, which is quite a lot, for me. We also had a lot of bonding time between classmates and schoolmates, we met old friends, and got to know new people.

So, guys, Grade 11 and Grade 10 peeps...Hero Run 2016? Yes or no?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A try on making translyrics: Donut Hole

This might be a one-shot thing. I made something: English translyrics for one of my favorite songs by my favorite Vocaloid song producer: Hachi.

This might suck, but please give it a chance...

Oh, and if you plan to make use of these lyrics, please give me credit.

I might cover this song sometime, you never know...

DISCLAIMER: Donut Hole does not belong to me. It is a song by Hachi, and utilizes the Vocaloid Gumi.

Original PV (with English subs by vgperson):

I wonder how much time exactly passed
Since I recall a large part of my memories?
From all of these forgotten memories
There is one that always seemed to stand out to me.

One more time, many times over;
That face will return to my mind
Yet I still am unable to understand
Why I cannot seem to remember you at all.

There are these loops that encircle the Earth
Circling round, and following the morning sun
And as for us, who needs no rails
We chase after the moonlight for ourselves.

Once again, ten thousand more times;
That face will return to my mind
A light rain falls as I close my eyes
And a dead, dark voice is left unheard.

Oblivious, and clueless, I don’t know anything
Is there a possibility that I offended you?
I can’t sleep for I fear, because of those odd reasons
I often wonder if you’ll laugh or ridicule me…

By counting my emotions, just the simple ones
I might not recall all the simple warmth that you’ve given me so kindly
“Bye bye”, I say crying, “We won’t meet again…”
Such an odd feeling to be having, yet are still, however, my thoughts…
My smile has turned sincere no more and it simply cannot be helped…

A donut hole, a rather simple thing
Yet it cannot be split from the thing it’s from.
My memories of you are just like that;
That is, I cannot prove that you exist.

Once again, many times over;
That face will return to my mind
My body wedged between the blanket and bed
Tonight, again, I will sleep the night.

If there are simply thoughts that would not ever die off,
I wonder if such thoughts could ever give us relief.
Having hope in things gone, that just seems really foolish
It’s something I can’t do, so please fill this hole in my heart…

By counting my emotions, just the simple ones
I might not recall all the simple words that you’ve shared with me so kindly
“Bye bye”, I say crying, “We won’t meet again…”
Such an odd feeling to be having, yet are still, however, my thoughts…
The tears then start to fall and still I know it cannot be helped…

I know this big gaping hole, this one in my chest
It is the only thing that I could use to prove that you exist
But even though I know that, I feel empty still
My heart has already been ripped apart, there’s nothing that I can do…

By counting my emotions, just the simple ones
I might not recall all the simple warmth that you’ve given me so kindly
“Bye bye”, I say crying, “We won’t meet again…”

At the end of the road, I managed to recall that simple, small word…
And evening out my breathing, I know my eyes finally opened…

My eyes have been opened; my eyes have been opened...
I realized that your name is-

Monday, January 5, 2015

Cardes prep!

Hey all! This will be my final post before school starts tomorrow...


So now, as I am trying to get my Brave Frontier Global to connect so that I can spam Metal Parades for my Esna, I am ALSO trying to formulate teams to beat Cardes the eff-ing Malevolent. AKA Trial 004. Because I am pretty confident I can oneshot the Palmyna version using dual Maxwell, Zellha, Lilith, Hogar, and Leorone.

Back to Cardes prep! I plan on utilizing the 'split' strategy, where two different squads are used for the two stages of this fight.

First battle is against 5* Zebra, second battle is against Luther, Phee, and Cardes, all 6*.

All powered up.

Zebra can inflict all status ailments (random ailment for his STBB, curse for his AOE), Luther can remove all buffs, Phee mitigates when she's alive, and Cardes not only buffs ATK and DEF for himself, he constantly revives Phee and Luther.

This is Gonna Suck.

Good news though: Zebra can be injured, Luther can be paralyzed, Phee can be cursed, and Cardes can be weakened. All can have their attack lowered.

Still...This is gonna suck so bad.

Looking from the current information I have received from the Gumi forums, courtesy of Hyperion (I believe he's on AppInvasion as well), the two squads must have these main components:

-A damage mitigator
-A healer
-Status nullifier
-Damage dealer
-A dark damage reducer (fingers crossed a few people would have defeated Cardes and used him as leader...otherwise GRAH)
-Someone to paralyze Luther (I really want a Falma or a Luther to fill this role, otherwise 6* Lich if he's released or Nalmika will have to do)
-A BB buffer is recommended as well
-An ATK down unit is also recommended (Earth unit from Priscilla's batch, Ardin, or Fiora apparently)

I am SO thankful for my Nalmika now. Like, really. Not only is she useful for the final boss in Bariura (not gonna give spoilers on who it is), who is susceptible to status ailments, she is also usable in this trial because of her BB or SBB, which inflicts random status ailments on enemies! Semira is also a good replacement for her if you have her.

So...if I were to combine my healer and status nullifier into one unit, I would have more working space around everything. Thank goodness for Altri AND Ulkina then!

Alright, since I have a lot of units...I can play around with them A LOT. Not only that, my units may not have their optimal types as well... Oracle Lodin, Oracle Altri, and Breaker Narza FML

My first team will likely consist of...

-Grah (L) leader
-Narza (B)
-Altri (O)
-Lilith (G)
-Raydn (A), Lucca (A), Ultor (B), or Ronel (B)
-Friend Lilly Matah

As for my second team...

-Lilly Matah (B) leader
-Ulkina (A)
-Oulu (L)
-Nalmika (B) or 6* Lich (A)
-Maxwell (L)
-Friend Cardes or Grah

...I'm prepared to fight this guy a lot of times.