Saturday, June 7, 2014

Zebra farming tips, anyone? (plus random stuff)

I've been hunting this guy for quite a while already. 20 runs and still no Zebra. It seriously tries your patience. But, on the bright side, I replenished my stock of Suzu Nuts, Buru Nuts, and Blue Drops. I've been running out of Red Drops, but by going on to many forums (App Invasion and Brave Frontier Forum comes to mind), I've been able to replenish my stock of Red Drops VERY quickly. Thankfully.

So...I actually have TWO team configurations for Zebra. One is my main squad, and the other is my main squad, but Aisha is replaced with a Head Chef Lancia. Stats shown below:

Head Chef Lancia
Level: 24 (in the process of BB levelling)
Type: Guardian
Element: Fire
Leader Skill: Pure Strobe (Large boost in Heart Crystals produced during Spark)
Sphere: Royal Shield (50% DEF boost for first 3 turns)
HP: 3677
ATK: 807
DEF: 1117
REC: 1449
Brave Burst: Gourmet Dish (Greatly recovers HP for all allies and boosts ATK for 3 turns)
BB Level: 8

Yeah. She's my alternative to the Zebra dungeon squad. Why? Well...

I only have three types of units that I can bring to the Zebra dungeon, in terms of summoner helpers. They are:

Ice Apostle Tiara
Phoenix Reborn
Gemini Il and Mina

I only use the Lancia configuration when Il and Mina are selectable summoner helpers. My items will then change accordingly. For example, with my main squad, my items are:

High Cure
Holy Water

But, with the Lancia + Il and Mina, my items are:

High Cure
Divine Light
Fujin Potion

Makes a huge difference. Il and Mina's 5* leader skill nullifies all status ailments, so only healing items and a Revive is what I need. If there's no Il and Mina, however, I still have to bring Holy Waters and Tonics. The Fujin Potions in the Lancia configuration is for Holy Earth Lance's SBB. The DEF buff from his SBB is particularly useful.

I bring Phoenix or Tiara for the gradual heal effect. With Il and Mina, my healer is Lancia, so...yeah. Dat ATK boost.

Damage output comparison for my three teams:

Tiara helper > Phoenix helper > Il and Mina helper

Why? Let's just say my Aisha is usually stronger than the Il and Mina and my Lancia, and I have to swap her out for Lancia in order for the Five Light's Force to kick in. With Tiara, it's a double Five Light's Force, so damage output is the greatest in that case.

Right. For Zebra, if you're planning to bring Light units...make sure they have high DEF. My Lilith II (Guardian) still took a sizable amount of damage from Zebra's Chaos Rage and her DEF was 1600 or so. My Lodin was still squishier though.

I beat Cardes yesterday (Albeit using a gem. I suck.) with a mono Earth team, consisting of Holy Earth Lance, Empress Lidith, Bow God Lario, Nyan Slash Bayley, and God Tree Eltri, with a Gemini Il and Mina helper. The exact same team (swap Il and Mina with ANOTHER Holy Earth Lance) beat a Miracle Totem with relative ease. Maybe you guys can play mono for Zebra and Cardes. It could work...but I'm not risking it for Zebra.

You see, I'm very reliant on Sparking to deal a hell load of damage, and I still can't spark that well with my mono-earth team after replacing Gaia Fist Nemia with Nyan Slash Bayley. I really should evolve her, but I...have other plans. I'm aiming for a Sea King Mega first (for my main team), then a Sky Angel Vanila (the Guardian one), before moving on to either Holy Light Atro (for my mono light team) or Holy Thunder Eze (for Karl), maybe evolve Zele, Bolt Knight Amy, or my other Maiden Vanila (Anima) while I'm at it.

I have too much units. Pokemon Syndrome still running strong. I'm a casual player, usually, so my team is weaker compared to the other Brave Frontier veterans that I know. I mean, I know someone with Hell Keep Alice AND Phoenix Reborn in his team, and most of his units in that squad are MAX level! WHAT!


Item farming? Running out of items? Well...I've been going to some forums...usually Brave Frontier Forum . net and App Invasion, and I've managed to get some important info for getting some of the items you might need for Zebra.

Buru Nuts: Forest of Beasts - Shadowy Forests (Spark the Mandragoras)
Suzu Nuts: Monster's Nest - The Heinous Chamber (Spark the Skeletons)
Blue Drops: Cave of Flames - Wielder of the Fire (Sparking anyone can, apparently, make them drop the Blue Drops, but Nymphs seem to drop Blue Drops the most often, thanks to App Invasion for location)
Green Grass and Green Drops: Adventurer's Prairie - Beginning of Adventure (Spark everyone! Every single forum I've been on, as well as many players, suggest this spot to farm for those two items. On that note, all of the blobs in Mistral drop these two items as well.)
Red Drops: Destroyed Cathedral - The Peculiar Black Knight (Spark the Minotaurs and Fairies)

Rule of thumb: Look for the lowest energy cost for an area in Mistral and start using your spark team, so item drops are increased. Also, equip a Thief Bracer on your main sparker.

...I should really evolve my Stya to her 5* form soon. Also, I really should start investing my time to get a Gun Goddess Serin, War Rocket Cayena, Holy Ice Selena, and...many more units. And in 'get', I mean 'evolve'.

Right after I evolve Commander Mega though. He's my main water unit and one of the first units I Rare Summoned, so I'm very attached to him. And he's Anima too. Heh, wait til I get a second Sea King Mega...I have a MAX level Captain Mega (Anima) just waiting to be evolved.

If there's anything I missed, please let me know. And until then...I'll be completing Lizeria!

See you soon!

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