So, holiday season has started. You know what that means: video games, relaxation, hanging out, drawing, video games, internet, reading, video games, writing fanfics, video games, and video games. Did I mention video games yet? Also, I will be able to update this blog more often. Heck, I already have my next post planned out: item farming for mono teams in general, but I'll be focusing on mono earth.
This blog may not be seen by many people, but I would like to thank you if you took the time to read any of my posts. I mean, I've been getting on and off, and this used to be my Global Perspectives blog, but now it's a video game blog. Totally different ends of the spectrum.
Speaking of blogs, the other day, I stumbled upon my elder cousin's blog that she runs with her friend. They're both beauty bloggers and I commented on one of her posts. It seems like she doesn't realize that it's me who posted the comment... Oh well. Gonna reply and see if she finds out who the hell AoiSenri is.
So, now you guys might be wondering, why the hell am I excited? You see, tomorrow there will be some sort of summer camp, organized by my math tutor. He's also a Brave Frontier player by the in-game name of Chery. It also marks the day that I will meet up with some of my friends, like Wilosbp (a Brave Frontier player as well) and his classmates. It will ALSO mark the day I will meet KirinMax, another Brave Frontier player around my age, in real life.
Now, you may be wondering how I can meet a person and NOT know them in real life. Well, my tutor made a Brave Frontier group a few months back, and we started chatting in the group, and, eventually, in private. He's a great guy and we have a lot in common. We love Pokemon, Vocaloid, anime, J-Pop, and, of course, Brave Frontier. Apparently, he went to AFA ID 2013 on the same date as I did, but we never met.
So, tomorrow, I will NOT be able to post anything. I'll be back on Friday to talk about the camp, however, so stay tuned.
Have a modernized Seria sketch now.
What do you guys think? Does it still look like her? Let me know, please!
On that note, see you later, fellow Summoners!
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