Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Brave Frontier Bonus Dungeon: Valmadora's Nest

Guess who's back?

...I seriously owe all of you an apology.

IB is killing me. Like, no kidding. I haven't had the time to update this blog because of all the work and tests being given right now...

There's a new update that was just released a few days back. This update contained the 6* versions of Darvanshell's batch, more bonus dungeons, a new map (Lanara), Sphere Frogs, Stat Imps, and the newest season of Frontier Hunter. Raid Battles are not yet released, sadly.

So far, there are only four possible sphere frogs obtainable in Global: three from the bonus dungeons (one each + gem), and one upon obtaining 950000 Esteem Points in Uncharted Frontier - End in this Frontier Hunter season.

After seeing one of my friends BARELY beating Valmadora, I decided to see if luck was on my side after a crushing defeat in the hands of Cursed Estia level 10.

His team consists of:

Tyrant Lilly Matah (Leader)
Final Apostle Tiara
Sacred Flame Lava
Black Lotus Lunaris
Holy Arms Douglas
Thief God Zelnite (friend)

Only the Douglas and Zelnite lasted until the end. He used up all of his healing items (Divine Light and Holy Light), all of his Holy Flutes, and all of his Goddess Idols. He didn't use up all of his tonics.

I decided to do the dungeon myself, since he said that the boss was rather easy.

My team stats:

Havoc God Luly (Leader)
Level: 20
Type: Anima
HP: 5681
ATK: 1783
DEF: 1489
REC: 1895
LS: Thunder's Conviction (15% damage reduction from Thunder types, increase in damage dealt to Thunder types by Earth types)
BB: World's Power (10 combo powerful Earth AOE, boost to HC drop rate for 3 turns)
BB level: 2
Sphere: Mystic Lantern (15% boost to all stats, slight boost to crit rate)

Blade Hero Zelban
Level: MAX
Type: Guardian
HP: 6086
ATK: 1284
DEF: 2035
REC: 2170
BB: Brilliant Guard (Boosts DEF of all allies & gives Earth element to all allies' attack for 3 turns)
BB level: 1
Sphere: Medulla Gem (20% boost to all stats)

Alpha Tree Altri
Level: 39
Type: Oracle
HP: 5602
ATK: 1246
DEF: 1759
REC: 1321
BB: Spectral Purge (Greatly recovers HP and status ailments for all allies)
BB level: 10
SBB: Cosmic Radius (Greatly recovers HP and status ailments for all allies, nullifies all status ailments for all allies' for 3 turns)
SBB level: 3
Sphere: Sacred Jewel (15% boost to all stats)

Terminator Lilith
Level: 40
Type: Guardian
HP: 5929
ATK: 1780
DEF: 1947
REC: 1698
BB: Arcana Blaster (15 combo massive Light STBB)
BB level: 10
SBB: Eternity Force (16 combo massive Light STBB, fully refills own BB gauge to MAX)
SBB level: 1
Sphere: Medulla Gem (20% boost to all stats)

Goddess Axe Michele
Level: 79
Type: Lord
HP: 6265
ATK: 2205
DEF: 1700
REC: 2059
BB: Crimson Changer (Boosts ATK of all allies & gives Fire element to all allies' attacks for 3 turns)
BB level: 10
SBB: Meggido Cross (18 combo Fire AOE, boosts ATK of all allies & gives Fire element to all allies' attacks for 3 turns)
SBB level: 1
Sphere: Medulla Gem (20% boost to all stats)

Not very promising, as you can see. My Luly was barely maxed, and I have one 5* unit with me. I also don't have any damage mitigators in the team...

Oh well, I started the dungeon, and brought a Havoc Angel Ronel (Breaker, MAX, w/SBB) friend with me.

I brought Cure, High Cure, Divine Light, Fujin Potion, and Revive.

...I won with relative ease, using up two Divine Lights and four Cures.

Well, the first thing I realized, if all my failed attempts in JP had told me, is whenever Valmodora's attack goes down for one turn, guard everyone. He gains an unreal ATK buff for one turn and can massacre your team relatively easily.

On those occasions, I use Lilith's SBB while guarding everyone else. My Michele took quite a sizable amount of damage then, even on guard mode.

Next thing to watch out for is when he uses 'Power Charge', at approximately 40% HP. Guard the turn after seeing 'Power Charge', because the turn after he uses that attack, he uses Killer Scream, his ultimate attack. All of my units survived the attack while guarding, and I used up a Divine Light to heal them.

After Killer Scream, you're pretty much home free. Keep attacking Valmodora until he goes down for good.

With this team, I had to apply Zelban's buff as much as possible. Also, Michele's ATK buff brought the fight to a quicker conclusion. Not only that, my Lilith is bulky by virtue of being a Guardian, and Luly's LS AND BB is particularly useful in this fight.
Have your BB gauge filled fully before facing off against Valmodora, it can mean life and death. Save your burst healer's BB for when you need it the most (I recall only using Cosmic Radius once).

But in all seriousness, Valmadora is easier than that goddamn Grand Jelly, despite the energy requirements.

I'll see you guys soon!

1 comment:

  1. I friending you ID 3249319066
    IGN: Wen Hao
    Leads: Colt, Claire, Feeva
    All ubb unlocked

    Raising Balgran and Rize Now
