Thursday, October 9, 2014

Brave Frontier JP New Unit: Hatsune Miku!

Wow, we have a LOT of vortex events in Brave Frontier in general. Global received Deemo (And now KirinMax is back to a regular player, yay!), who still remains OP, especially for BB spam teams. The batch of insanely hard event units (Reed, Lugana, El, those guys) were back in JP too, and I managed to get myself Reed, thank goodness.

And now there's the Hatsune Miku event, which I completed earlier today.

The dungeon itself isn't THAT hard. I'd say the battles leading to the boss was similar in setup to Alma's dungeon (Remember her? From the Elemental Heroes batch?).

The boss itself, however, was a bit of a different story.

Contrary to what you would expect, Miku is an Earth unit. I actually expected her to be Light, while KirinMax thought she would be either Water or Light.

As for the difficulty of the boss, I'd say she was about the same difficulty as Deemo. Can't be so sure about that, though, since I did a two-turn kill with my main team in JP. With a Lodin lead.

My team stats:

Lodin 6* (Lord, leader)
Level: MAX
HP/ATK/DEF/REC: 7041/2673/1991/2380
Has SBB 6, using SJ and Skill Bracer

Zephyr 6* (Breaker)
Level: 76
HP/ATK/DEF/REC: 7404/2374/1980/2014
Has SBB 2, using Medulla and inflict weakness sphere

Luther 6* (Guardian)
Level: 83
HP/ATK/DEF/REC: 8288/2778/1965/1947
Has SBB 4, using Dandelga and Steeple Rose

Zelban 6* (Lord)
Level: 72
HP/ATK/DEF/REC: 6214/1664/2043/2274
Has SBB 3, using Medulla

Lilith 6* (Breaker)
Level: MAX (in preparation for Maxwell trial)
HP/ATK/DEF/REC: 7206/2445/1921/1978
Has SBB 4, using Medulla and Omni Gizmo

She certainly hits quite hard, and her Brave Burst at 5* probably has 15-19 hits, not so sure. But really, she's way easier than Reed's batch of units. WAY EASIER.

You can capture a 4* Hatsune Miku from this event.

Base (4*)

HP/ATK/DEF/REC: 2500/750/740/720
LS: Increases BB gauge and BB gauge fill rate
BB: 12 combo AOE, fills BB gauge for 3 turns

She might go well in a BB spam squad, but I'd still prefer a 6* Luther/6* Lodin + 6* Uda leader combination. Just a matter of opinion, though.

Bye, guys!

1 comment:

  1. hello! just nominated you for the Liebster Award <3
