Sunday, March 15, 2015

Status update

Hey guys,

So, tomorrow, I'm going to Batam for my CAS Trip. I'm not excited for it, though, I just want to stay in Bandung.

It's not that I'm being bullied; no, not at all. It's not the fact that I'll be spending five days with my classmates, one of them being my crush; I enjoy spending time with them. It's not the fact that I'll be unable to play any video games, or listen to any of my music.

No, it's the fact that my pet cat is terminally ill and can die at any given moment.

That sounds silly, but let me explain.

I had him from when he was a kitten, back when I was still is K1. That makes him more than 12 years old by now.

I haven't been able to spend time with him ever since Sec 4, since I was so busy with IGCSEs that time (and IB now), and due to paranoia after our house had very nearly been robbed. We don't hire workers anymore, and we kept our cat in my cousins' house.

And now I got the soul-crushing news that he's gonna die very soon.

I just...can't.

I might not update for quite a while, so...yeah. The five days of the trip, and later on too.

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