Thursday, November 12, 2015

Challenge Arena MVPs!

Uh...IB, EE, IAs, IOCs. FOAs coming up, doing Great Gatsby for English A. University applications are starting and I'll be looking to take psychology in NTU.

We recently finished our IOCs, and they were INSANE. At least I got a text that I really enjoyed for my IOCs, even though I know I was sh!t at it since my average results during the three practices we did in class were low...

My scores were in the 18-20 range (IB score 5) while some of my friendly rivals were getting 20 and above, aaaaaagh.

Welp, new feature in Brave Frontier that I totally gave up in for this week...

Challenge Arena! (no seriously after a while this mode gets pretty repetitive)

Challenge Arena is basically Frontier Hunter, Arena style. It's a Global Exclusive feature at the time of writing. Rewards include gems and a new type of currency for a new in-game summon.

Restrictions set in place for this mode include:

1. Every single match will include an arena Random Rule.
2. Sphere effects WILL NOT BE IN EFFECT. Extra Skills that do not require spheres will still work, however.
3. HC recovery and drop rate is significantly lower.
4. Have a team that is way too strong and you risk your opponent attacking first.
5. HP and BB gauges will carry on from one match to the next.
6. Once a unit goes down for the count, they remain down until you revive them, or until the next ranking day starts.
7. BB gauge resets at the end of each day AND if you enter the unit in a match with the 'empty BB gauge start' rule.

Of course, there are some units that perform exceedingly well in this mode. This time, I will be highlighting some units that are AWESOME in this mode, especially in certain situations. I will be splitting this into two categories: LS-wise and BB-wise.

Let's go!

Part 1: LS-wise

1. 80% ATK boost LS

Why: These units provide a universal boost to ATK for ALL units. There are no restrictions in element for these units. They also have their own uses!

Alpha and Yuura recovers a portion of HP for every attack, Rize helps with HC drop (though this isn't very favorable in this mode), Ultor boosts DEF by 50% and boosts element-based extra damage, Zenia boosts BB gauge during Spark and boosts BB damage, Toutetsu boosts ATK by 50% more given the unit has full HP, and Melchio boosts BB gauge greatly after each normal attack and gives a small chance to ignore defense. Lune boosts element damage from Water and Fire units, along with boosting BB damage. And HADARON, bane of all existences in this mode, boosts ATK and DEF relative to remaining HP, with BB and SBB that grants stealth...

2. Five Light LS

Why: These squads provide elemental bonuses and resistances. At 7*, they boost ATK by 100%!

Quaid is very focused on BB recovery. Michele is more balanced between survivability and BB recovery, while Krantz is more focused on survivability compared to the other two. Another last unit you might want to consider is Lodin, since despite being 6*, his LS provides a nice boost to BB gauge fill rate and boosts ATK by 50%, and he provides a nice BB gauge boost in his BB and SBB, something that Dia and Eric might lack. And you REALLY need BB gauge sustainability in this mode.

3. Soul Covenant Charis

Why: This kid boosts hit counts, which boosts BC drop, HC drop, and damage! His regular BB also boosts HC and BC drop, also boosting hit count, and he is perfectly capable to rain down hell from normal attacks alone.

4. Neptunian Tridon

Why: An absolute NIGHTMARE to face against with the 'no BB' rule, he boosts HP by 40% and mitigates 10% of damage taken. And his shield. Can't forget his shield!

5. Oracle Knight Ark, Twilight God Grahdens, Mad Heretic Gazia

Why: 35% boost to all stats. Ark boosts BC drop rate and has a nice ES, Grahdens mitigates light and dark damage by 15%, while Gazia...hoo boy. 10% mitigation from all attacks, 35% boost to all stats, and a mitigation BB. Good luck.

6. Sanguine Hood Ciara

Why: A massive powerhouse in Arena, she boosts Fire, Water, Earth, and Thunder attack by 120% and boosts elemental damage. That alone should be enough to make her a viable choice for leads, especially for the 'No BB' rule, since her LS doesn't help with BB gauge fill much...

Part 2: MVP Units

1. Galactic Treasure Ivris & Wave Breaker Quartz

Why: THEIR ES. Both of them has an ES that provides them survivability from 1 KO attack, though this is more reliable with Ivris. They do not wear off after one Arena match, so you can use them multiple times without worrying too much about them suddenly dying. What's more, these two units also heal (though Quartz is more of a HoT buffer), and since it's hard to recover HP in this mode, these buffs are REALLY USEFUL.

2. Offensive mitigators

Why: When your enemies start pulling out all of these 7* units, you WILL need something to mitigate incoming damage, especially when they all start with all of their BB gauges filled/have a REALLY offensive LS.

Barienna is really good if you managed to get her, since her BB is an AOE even at base form. Gazia, if you've beaten his trial, can also provide an emergency BB boost. Shera is also nice for more damage. Old man Darvanshell is not really recommended, since he isn't very good offensively.

3. Grand Malediction Yuura & Gaia Sennin Oguro (No BB)

Why: Fill these guys' BB gauges up before using them. Once you do, on 'No BB' match rules, THEY DOMINATE. Their ES really helps in that regard, since it boosts their ATK if their BB gauge is filled.

4. BC and HC buffers, used in conjunction with AOE multi-hit BBs

Outstanding examples include Soul Covenant Charis (BB), Valkyrie Archangel Griel, Angelic Paladin Will (BB), Angelic Blades Sefia (SBB), and Neptunian Tridon (SBB).

Why: Helps with BB gauge and HP regen. Griel is practically the best unit in this category. Combine Griel with a TON of sparkers and wait for two or more of your units to BB, including Griel. I can guarantee you'll recover most, if not all, of your HP. Griel also has a high BB proc rate, so that's nice!

That's all I can really think of at the moment...I'm currently raising my Lunaris and Alyut for general use, while prepping my Semira for Eriole EX Trial.

Now to finish my Psychology IA...

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