Thursday, April 16, 2015

I'm back in JP servers!

I'm finally back in JP servers.


But my team right now is so outdated are you kidding me. This is how I left my team:

Lucca, level 34 (Anima) leader
Ragshelm, level 28 (Breaker)
Darvanshell, level MAX (Lord)
Ulkina, level MAX (Breaker)
Luther, level MAX (Guardian)

But, with the rates up just today, I've summoned quite a few good units, not to mention I got Feeva, Kanon, and Tora before I went on a hiatus in my JP file. The units I just summoned today? They were Ivris (Anima), Fadar (Breaker), and Kurt (Oracle).

That being said, I'm reworking my main team because let's face it...cost problems are just so limiting on your team's potential. So, after I get everyone up to speed, I'll rework my main team...

I have a few setups in mind, so I'll put them up here.

Setup 1 (Main team):

Feeva (B) leader
Darvanshell (L)
Ivris (A)/Ulkina (B)
Fadar (B)/Kurt (O)/Ragshelm (B)
Lucca (A)/Luther (G)

Setup 2 (Arena team?/Speed-clear team?):

Kurt (O) leader
Maxwell (L)
Fadar (B)/Tora (G)
Feeva (B)
Kanon (L)

Those are the 2 main setups I was thinking about but these are subject to change.

Well, right now I'm raising my Tora, Yujeh, and Ivris for Trial 004. Fadar, Kanon, Kurt, and Feeva are more or less works in progress as of writing, since I'm just getting everyone to 6* right now.

Friend slots are open, by the way. I use either Lucca or Feeva as leaders, both 6*. Cost problems...

ID: 23603487
IGN: Raiko

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