...it has been around 2 weeks after the arrival of Cardes.
If you checked out Ushi's new video on Trial X1, you can just cheese it with Hadaron, but I don't have him, so...
Imma do it MY WAY.
So, I was talking to the guys as per usual, and it seems as if I'm the second person in the group to beat Trial X1. The other person in the group, Tails, finished this Trial before I even got wind of it, but I beat it in my first try.
I used this team:
Grahdens (Lord, leader), with Legwand Gem
Mad God Narza (Breaker), with Dandelga and Evil Shard
Empyreal Drake Lodin (Oracle), heavily imped, with Legwand Gem and Evil Shard
Fire Goddess Ulkina (Anima), with Drevas and Evil Shard
Creator Maxwell (Lord), fully maxed, with Lexida and Advent Solace
Cardes the Malevolent (Lord, friend), with Dandelga and Glass Crown
There are three phases in this Trial. First is against Cursed Estia, then its against Princess Estia, and third is against Xenon & Estia. As you can see, all of these units are light...
Cursed Estia is pretty much like her encounter in the Cursed Tower. She's powered down a bit, I guess, but maybe that's because I used a Grah and Cardes combo. Not only that, she doesn't revive. THANK GOODNESS.
You want to mitigate as much as possible in this portion.
Phase 2 is against Princess Estia, who will regularly drain your BB gauges and who will also inflict a plethora of status ailments on your team. Okay, maybe just poison and curse.
You'll want to avoid BB-spamming here, and she's pretty weak, so yeah.
Phase 3 is against Xenon & Estia, and is easily the most frustrating phase of the fight. Every three turns, for the first 50% of their HP bar, they will drain some of your units' BB gauges, so having Narza's SBB up really helps matters. It's not much of a problem if you bring a Lilly Matah and her SBB is up, though.
At 50% HP, they'll start to use Elysian Glory, and at other points, they'll spam one of their AOEs multiple times that it'll best be classified as a pseudo-Endless. Because of this, you'll want to mitigate as much as possible. Every turn, if possible.
My Lodin plays the role of BB booster in this fight, but Zelnite might be a better choice for this.
So yeah. Good luck beating this Trial!
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