Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Units: Main squad (JP)

As promised, I will be talking about my team builds in JP and in Global! And due to the fact that Global is experiencing server maintenance as I write this, I'll be doing JP first.

In my JP squad, there are three main units in the squad. The others rotate around as the quest sees fit. The three main units are Genius Elimo (5*, Anima), Lodin (6*, Lord), and Ruza (5*, Guardian). The units that swap around are Nature God Lance (5*, Guardian), Zephyr (4*, Breaker), Elk (4*, Breaker), and Aryuto (5*).

My main team is usually built on endurance and respectable attack power.

My leader is Lodin 6*. His leader skill increases the attack power of a team that consists of five elements or more (including leader) by 50%, and increases the BB gauge fill rate of a team like that every turn. His BB increases the BB gauge of all units and gives thunder element to the teams attacks. His SBB is a 14-hit combo on all enemies that fills the BB gauge of the team by a pretty large amount each turn for three turns.

See Lodin's SBB in action here (sorry for my crappy playing and video skills, or if the video quality is crappy, I was half asleep and taking a video with a phone I don't even use anymore -__-"):

Conclusion: 6* Lodin is pretty broken.

Next of my mainstays is Genius Elimo. She's the main healer and the provider of the DEF buff in the video above.

The last of my mainstays is Ruza 5*. Even as a Guardian, he has explosive attacks, great DEF, and great HP. He's in the newest batch of units that BF JP released. And I really love his character design!

Now for the rotating units! First is my starter: Nature God Lance. His DEF is good, but I swap him out in fire dungeons because let's face it...he only deals average damage at best in fire dungeons.

Next is Elk 4*. If the boss is insanely hard and is of the dark element, he's the one I bring, because of his BB.

After that is Zephyr 4*. He was on my 'need to have' list as soon as I saw his picture on the App Invasion forums. Why? He looks cool, and he has good stats. If the main element in the dungeon is dark, but the boss isn't THAT hard, I bring him instead of Elk, since he has better DEF compared to Elk.

Finally, my last rotating member is Aryuto 5*. He is a very solid unit, and I am extremely fortunate to have him as an Anima. BUT WHY MUST HE LOOK LIKE A GIRL?!

Here are the stats of each of my units, along with spheres and any stat boosts from imps.

Lodin 6*
Type: Lord
Level: 56
Element: Thunder
Leader Skill: 50% boost to ATK power and increase to BB gauge fill rate of a team with at least five elements (including leader)
Spheres (used a Sphere Frog on him): Champion Axe (boost to Crit rate), Mech Sword (boosts all stats by 5%)
HP: 4933 (with 100 HP boost from imps)
ATK: 2024 (with 20 ATK boost from imps)
DEF: 1405 (with 20 DEF boost from imps)
REC: 1732 (with 40 REC boost from imps)
Brave Burst: Gives Thunder element to all attacks for 3 turns and increases the BB gauge
BB level: 10
Super Brave Burst: 14-hit Thunder elemental attack on all enemies that gives thunder element to all allies' attacks and provides great increase to BB gauge for 3 turns
SBB level: 1

Genius Elimo
Level: 70
Type: Anima
Element: Water
Leader Skill: Loving Devotion (large boost in effectiveness of Heart Crystals)
Sphere: Flesh Armor (boosts DEF and HP by 10%)
HP: 5492
ATK: 968
DEF: 1504 (with 40 DEF boost from imps)
REC: 1677
Brave Burst: Guardian Force (Greatly restores all allies' HP and gives a DEF boost for 3 turns)
BB Level: 2

Ruza 5*
Level: 73
Type: Guardian

Element: Fire
Leader Skill: Large increase to spark damage, apparently. (Possibly Intense Strobe like Ryujin Mifune and Alpha Behemoth)
Spheres (used a Sphere Frog on him): Holy Blade (boosts ATK by 10%), Champion Axe (boost to Crit rate)
HP: 4978 (with 50 HP boost from imps)
ATK: 1873 (with 20 ATK boost from imps)
DEF: 1574 (with 20 DEF boost from imps)
REC: 1476 (with 60 REC boost from imps)
Brave Burst: 10 combo single-target, heavy fire damage on single enemy, with chance of inflicting Weakness and Paralysis
BB Level: 2

Nature God Lance
Level: 80
Type: Guardian
Element: Earth
Leader Skill: Earth God's Power (50% ATK boost to all Earth types)
Sphere (used a Sphere Frog on him): Holy Blade (10% boost to ATK), Poison Shiv (adds possible Poison effect to attacks)
HP: 3944 (with 50 HP boost from imps)
ATK: 1347
DEF: 1540
REC: 805
Brave Burst: Eternal Zephyr (6-combo Earth elemental power attack to all enemies)
BB Level: 1

Eric 4* 
Level: 60
Type: Breaker
Element: Dark
Leader Skill: Five Light's Power (25% ATK boost to a squad with 5 elements or more, including leader)
Sphere: Holy Blade (boosts ATK by 10%)
HP: 4289 (with 50 HP boost from imps)
ATK: 1494
DEF: 1171 (with 20 DEF boost from imps)
REC: 1249 (with 20 REC boost from imps)
Brave Burst: 7-combo random Light and Dark elemental damage on all enemies and gives Light element to all allies' attacks for 3 turns
BB Level: 2

Zephyr 4*  
Level: 49
Type: Breaker
Element: Dark
Leader Skill: Light's Protection (reduce Light damage from enemies by 10%)
Sphere: Dragon Seal (boosts DEF by 10%)
HP: 4294
ATK: 1371
DEF: 1250
REC: 1061
Brave Burst: 8-combo Dark elemental attack on all enemies and ignores enemies DEF when attacking for 2 turns
BB Level: 1

Alyut 5* 
Level: 61
Type: Anima
Element: Light
Leader Skill: Light God's Power (50% ATK boost to Light types)
Sphere: Holy Blade (boosts ATK by 10%)
HP: 5498
ATK: 1562
DEF: 1561
REC: 1352
Brave Burst: 9-combo Light elemental damage with chance of inflicting injury
BB Level: 1

All spheres are craftable in the town, except for the Mech Sword, which is given to you as a reward for reaching the rank 'Amateur' in the Arena. Oh, and Flesh Armors, which I covered in my earlier post on my mono-earth team.

So...if anyone has a suggestion for better teams, I'd appreciate that. All my other units:

- Head Thief Leon, Breaker (Zel farming) 
- Dia 4*, Anima
- Malnaplis, Anima
- Ice Keep Copra, Breaker
- Ice Keep Copra, Guardian
- Vine Pike Lance, Guardian
- Archer Lario, Lord (recent HS)
- High Dancer May, Breaker (will swap her with a Guardian one when I have space, for Karl)
- Bolt Mallet Elulu, Lord
- Samurai Mifune, Breaker (AAARRRGGGHHHHH... WHY.)
- Soul Keeper Lemia, Breaker

Bye guys! 

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