Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ryvern bosses are frustrating/cheap.

I've recently completed Ryvern in Agni. And guess what? We haven't saved Karl yet. Freaking Mare. In other news, Lugina's gonna be adventuring with us! Wait, WHAT?!

Ryvern follows the pattern back in Mistral and Palmyna, so no more of that 'each map has more than one element' nonsense. In exchange, though, some of the bosses in Ryvern are just plain CHEAP. I'm talking about the end-of-area bosses.

So, for those bosses, we have the 4* forms of Aisha's batch as enemies. The boss of the final area is Gramvaln, a light-elemental dragon that can inflict paralysis. But, in order of annoyance, this is how I'd rank them...

Note: All of these bosses (except Gramvaln) gain an ATK buff at approx. 75% HP.

7. Drake Lord Aisha (Glomore Hollow)

She only has a regular attack, an AOE attack, and an AOE BB. Nothing too severe here. Double ATK boost build is recommended, and Tiara is especially useful if you're running a rainbow team.

6. Bolt Pike Amy (Azura Ruins)

She has a regular attack, an AOE attack that nullifies all buffs (that includes seals/ores, ATK/DEF/REC/CRIT boost, Spark damage boost, gradual recovery, increased BC/HC drops, and gradual BB gauge fill, among others, or maybe I listed them all), and an STBB that can inflict injury and weakness. It's only frustrating if she nullifies the buffs, but other than that, she's not very intimidating. Mono-earth teams with Gaia Armor/Holy Arms/Holy Earth leads can easily blaze through her.

5. Gramvaln (White Tower)

I placed him here since he only has a regular attack an AOE BB. Granted, the BB can hurt a lot AND can inflict paralysis, but he doesn't gain an ATK buff in the middle of the battle. Also, it may be just me, but it's less likely to run into a totem in the Tower compared to anywhere else. Some more info from you guys regarding totem appearance rate and Gramvaln's BB(s?) is heavily appreciated...

Also, while he might be able to dish out the damage, he's pretty squishy. So give him all you got with a double ATK boost build and bring Stimulants.

4. Blade Storm Sefia (Ryvern Mountains)

Just the fact that she inflicts paralysis AND gains an ATK buff in the battle is annoying. She has a single-target attack, another single-target attack that deals roughly twice the damage her single-target attack deals (either that or an ignore DEF attack, since Elimo and Lance are both capable of giving DEF buffs), and an AOE BB that can inflict paralysis. Dark units beware: she hits very hard. My Magistra Lira (Lord, lvl 76 w/ SJ at the time) died pretty early on, leaving Aisha and Serin as the only units that can dish out strong attacks. Lance's attack (without SJ) just pales in comparison to Aisha and Serin.

3. Twin Flash Rickel (Snow Area Khelne)

She has a regular attack, a random-target attack that deals slightly more damage per hit, and a strong STBB that can inflict poison AND paralysis. Twins, Reeze, and Elsel leads are highly recommended, or you could bring a Melchio. Lodin is also recommended for rainbow teams. Also, her single-target BB is more deadly compared to Amy's one, so be careful.

2. Earthly Il and Mina (Stokhelna Forest)

Though they arguably deal less damage compared to the other bosses, it's their attacks that are annoying. They have a single target attack, an AOE BB, and an AOE attack. Now, the AOE attack is the annoying one. It can inflict injury, weakness, and sickness, sometimes a combination of two of those, or ALL THREE AT ONCE. Twins or Reeze leader/helper is highly recommended, or you could bring a Melchio, as the one time I did the dungeon with a Grah helper, I lost after running out of Tonics.

1. Goth Kikuri (Abyss Cave)

...come on. You were expecting it.

Kikuri is the definition of OP back then, maybe even now due to the advent of Death Idol Kikuri. Just need to wait until November/December for full Selha teams with Uda lead to screw Arena players over. Or rainbow BB spam teams with Empyreal Drake Lodin leads, which will come next month, after the 6* forms of the 12 Guardians are released.

But I digress.

Kikuri can use a regular attack, an AOE attack, and an AOE BB. She inflicts curse, poison, AND paralysis. If you treasure your items, you'd be wise to bring a healer and a Twins/Reeze/Elsel lead. Also have Grah with you if you don't want to use a Divine Gale leader, but be warned, you'll be wasting a whole lot of items.

I used my main squad (cut a few levels) with a Grah helper (brought Antidotes and Stimulants), and lost Lira, Lilith, and Aisha to the boss, in Global. In JP, I used my main squad (swap Elimo with Blade Hero Zelban (L, 39)) with a Twins helper. I STILL lost Alyut, the twins, and Zephyr.

So yeah. The bosses after this area are pretty tame so far (in the Earth area, the map isn't released yet in Global) tame though, I wonder why...

...I also pretty much spoiled the end-of-area bosses in Ryvern. Forgive me.

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