Tuesday, July 15, 2014

All my rage...

...it's directed at Mare. This will get a bit 'ranty' in nature, so be warned! Also, SPOILER ALERT!

For those who haven't reached the Agni Region yet, the mysterious woman who appears in Ryvern is called Mare. And why is all my rage directed at her?

There's a list we can go through, and I'm sure there are more reasons, but here's what I can come up with right now. I'm still at Ryvern Mountains, the light area of Ryvern, and I'm waiting for energy to recharge...as well as finding ways to make sure my Magistra Lira won't die quickly.

The first thing that comes to mind is the second time we get to see her on-screen, in the water area of Ryvern. She just comes up, introduces herself, and STARTS PISSING OFF KARL. Like, how...

Now, I see Karl as one of the calmer people in the storyline, bested only by Paris, Elder Grahdens, and the player character (who doesn't show emotions anyways, unless verbally noted by another character). So, how does Mare piss Karl off?

Let's start with the basic things. She talked sh!t about Elder Grahdens, who took care of Karl when he was a baby. YES, Karl was an orphan. Then, she proceeded to talk about how the Elder BRAINWASHED him into thinking all that he knows is not the truth, and says that he must 'follow her to see the truth'. Karl was freakishly pissed off and CHASED AFTER HER. Oh wow.

I felt like punching her in the face right then and there. I also heard that she could be FARMED like Zebra in a future map. Great...

Second thing: she kidnapped Karl. Not gonna lie, she kidnapped Karl. She kidnapped one of the strongest extra bosses in the freaking game. Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but STILL. This is KARL we're talking about. She's holding him hostage in the final area of Ryvern.

Third thing, she injured Seria pretty badly just to give a message to us. Mare's probably like 'Hey, it's nice to see you protecting your friend, but I'm gonna be a total @$$ and send a group of minions after you while I take blue-haired guy here! Oh, and I'm keeping you alive, but you better tell his friend that I took him hostage! Toodle-loo!'

And now Seria's back in Elgaia, recovering from her wounds, and we're venturing into the mountains. ALONE, since Tillith went with Seria. At least we meet Elder Grahdens near the mountains. And he seems pissed too, but doesn't show it much.

And final, rather odd thing. Why in the name of Gaia is she called MARE?! (facepalms)

And...I guess that ends my rant. I don't know why I got a bit worked up over her (understatement of the century), but maybe it's because Karl IS my favorite NPC in Brave Frontier. I really, really want him in my squad.

Bye guys!

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