And...I'm back.
Just finished this Trial a few days ago...and it took me 3 HOURS (with breaks). Starting from the moment I got dismissed from school (3:10 pm) up until a few hours after I finished my piano lesson (6:15 pm).
First of all, to access this Trial, you must have beaten Trial X1 already, which is the Xenon and Estia trial. Then, you're gonna have access to this trial, which makes you go against the Battle Maidens. First battle is against Cayena, Lico, and Fennia, and the second battle is against Vanila, Bayley, and Serin.
My squad setup is mainly focused on survivability, and here are its components:
Tyrant Lilly Matah (Breaker) leader, with Phoenix Eye and Legwand Gem
Massacre God Belfura (Anima), with Legwand Gem
Guardian Goddess Tia (Breaker, level 67), with Legwand Gem
Mad God Narza (Breaker), with Dandelga and Evil Shard
Thunder Savior Shera (Anima), with Legwand Gem and Evil Shard
Heavenly Emperor Kanon (Lord) friend, UBB unlocked, with Malice Jewel and Ihsir's Guise
Lilly Matah's LS provides a nice boost to BB gauge when attacked, and when coupled with either her SBB or Narza's BB gauge fill when attacked SBB, it becomes pretty damn OP.
I used Belfura because she is a tank, and her BB and SBB allows the enemy to be hit with ATK and/or DEF debuffs for 1 turn. Her SBB also fills the BB gauge, though less than Zelnite's SBB.
Tia is currently one of the best pure healers in the game, if not the best. She heals, gives HP regen for 3 turns, and in her SBB, gives BB gauge regen for 3 turns.
I used double mitigators for this fight, because Cayena really enjoys draining your BB gauges.
Kanon's LS provides a 30% boost to DEF and HP, as well as nullifying status ailments, which allows me to bring Tia instead of Ulkina to this fight, who lacks the HP regen. His SBB provides a huge DEF boost (one of the best in the game as of now), and his UBB mitigates 50% of damage received for 3 turns.
As for the battle itself...
Battle 1: vs. War Rocket Cayena, Raid Bolt Fennia, and Demon Blade Lico
-Cayena drains BB gauges
-Fennia can inflict DEF down
-Lico has a strong STBB
-Every 3 turns, guard all your units because they will inflict heavy damage and will nullify all your buffs
Their HP thresholds are at 50%. Cayena in particular will start going insane BEFORE 50%, from my experience (around 60%). When "I AM RIGHTEOUS!" pops out, she will drain ALL of your units' BB gauges to 0, but thankfully it will not remove buffs. THIS is why I recommend a Matah lead. She will do it again after 50% (40% or 30%, will have to reconfirm).
She is also programmed to attack the unit with the least HP at least 50% of the time, which makes her the most threatening unit in this fight. However, I would not recommend killing her first. The moment she dies, Fennia and Lico will gain an ignore DEF buff, which can be pretty deadly (pretty is an understatement lol), especially when you put Lico's extremely strong STBB into consideration.
At 50% HP, Lico will do an INSANE STBB that you will most probably not survive unless you guard + mitigate. I would recommend killing her first, though.
Fennia provides the least threat in this phase, arguably. Before 50%, she will put up a mitigating shield around her team, for a few turns (2 or 3 I believe). Starting at 50%, she will be able to use Galvanizing Pulse often, which has a chance to inflict DEF down on your units. She used it two turns in a row once.
All 3 will gain ATK and CRIT buff around this point.
As soon as the battle starts, I gave a Fujin to my Narza and had him use his SBB, while everyone else attacked normally. Then, I tend to alternate mitigation between Narza and Shera, usually using Narza after the turn 3 insanity AOE, in conjunction with Matah and Tia's SBB for maximized BB regeneration AND HP regeneration. Belfura's SBB will ONLY be used in an emergency (she was SBB 1 at that time), and most of the other times I used her BB. I try to use Kanon's SBB the turn after the turn 3 insanity to try and soften more of the maidens' damage on my team.
Tia's HP regen is a godsend in this fight. With it, there's no need to heal every turn, something which you might need to do if you were to use Ulkina, Altri, Ivris, and the like. The reason why I wouldn't recommend Phoenix is that not only are his stats severely outclassed by now, but he technically isn't a burst healer - he only gives a heal over time buff.
Battle 2: vs. Sky Angel Vanila, Wild Slash Bayley, and Gun Goddess Serin
-Vanila has a RTBB that can inflict most status ailments (poison, weak, injury, paralysis)
-Serin can inflict taunt on one of your units for focus fire
-Bayley heals every 5 (?) turns, 50000 HP per heal
-Serin mitigates a LOT in this fight (once every 3/4 (need confirmation) turns the mitigation shield is gone)
This fight is more of an endurance test more than anything. First thing that you WILL find out is that Bayley WILL heal her team for 50000 HP every few turns. Be careful; she is capable of putting you in something similar to the notorious Sacred Song Loop from Maxwell fame if you can't hurt her more than she heals. She will gain an Angel Idol buff at approximately 20% HP, and at this point you really should just focus fire on her until she goes down for good. I don't know if she will reapply the Angel Idol buff because at that point, the mitigation shield is gone and I overkilled her with Kanon's UBB.
Actually, Vanila's RTBB is a godsend in this fight if you bring someone with 'fills BB gauge when attacked' LS or BB/SBB effect because each of the random hit is treated as one attack, so you can go from empty BB gauge to full in almost no time.
HP thresholds are at 50% HP. Bayley and Serin just unleashes a strong MTBB on everyone. Vanila ALSO does that, but it's arguably worse if you don't mitigate and guard in her case. My friend's Kanon died when he wasn't guarding (mitigation shield on); that should give you an idea.
I would recommend killing Bayley off first for this portion. It's really easy to regain BB gauges in this fight because no one steals BB gauges here. However, I suggest focus-firing on Bayley initially before focusing on Serin, killing Vanila last. If Serin and Bayley are out of the way your damage output is drastically increased. Not only that, try activating Overdrive one or two turns before the mitigating shield goes down so you can unleash it For Massive Damage.
Vanila gained an Angel Idol buff towards the end of the fight, but I'm not so sure if Serin was the one who applied it to her, if she got it from Bayley beforehand, or if it was supposed to happen once her HP reached 20% or so.
Completing this quest, you get a Gem, EXP, Zel, and Blighted Seal.
Blighted Seal: Boosts ATK by 100%, CRIT damage by 50%, lowers DEF and REC by 20%
It's an OP sphere alright.
Good luck with this trial!
Used to be my GP blog, but not now. I post mostly video game stuff (mainly JRPGs, especially Brave Frontier) and other random stuff like memes here. Also contains some dark stuff from my mind, so yeah.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
I'm back in JP servers!
I'm finally back in JP servers.
But my team right now is so outdated are you kidding me. This is how I left my team:
Lucca, level 34 (Anima) leader
Ragshelm, level 28 (Breaker)
Darvanshell, level MAX (Lord)
Ulkina, level MAX (Breaker)
Luther, level MAX (Guardian)
But, with the rates up just today, I've summoned quite a few good units, not to mention I got Feeva, Kanon, and Tora before I went on a hiatus in my JP file. The units I just summoned today? They were Ivris (Anima), Fadar (Breaker), and Kurt (Oracle).
That being said, I'm reworking my main team because let's face it...cost problems are just so limiting on your team's potential. So, after I get everyone up to speed, I'll rework my main team...
I have a few setups in mind, so I'll put them up here.
Setup 1 (Main team):
Feeva (B) leader
Darvanshell (L)
Ivris (A)/Ulkina (B)
Fadar (B)/Kurt (O)/Ragshelm (B)
Lucca (A)/Luther (G)
Setup 2 (Arena team?/Speed-clear team?):
Kurt (O) leader
Maxwell (L)
Fadar (B)/Tora (G)
Feeva (B)
Kanon (L)
Those are the 2 main setups I was thinking about but these are subject to change.
Well, right now I'm raising my Tora, Yujeh, and Ivris for Trial 004. Fadar, Kanon, Kurt, and Feeva are more or less works in progress as of writing, since I'm just getting everyone to 6* right now.
Friend slots are open, by the way. I use either Lucca or Feeva as leaders, both 6*. Cost problems...
ID: 23603487
IGN: Raiko
But my team right now is so outdated are you kidding me. This is how I left my team:
Lucca, level 34 (Anima) leader
Ragshelm, level 28 (Breaker)
Darvanshell, level MAX (Lord)
Ulkina, level MAX (Breaker)
Luther, level MAX (Guardian)
But, with the rates up just today, I've summoned quite a few good units, not to mention I got Feeva, Kanon, and Tora before I went on a hiatus in my JP file. The units I just summoned today? They were Ivris (Anima), Fadar (Breaker), and Kurt (Oracle).
That being said, I'm reworking my main team because let's face it...cost problems are just so limiting on your team's potential. So, after I get everyone up to speed, I'll rework my main team...
I have a few setups in mind, so I'll put them up here.
Setup 1 (Main team):
Feeva (B) leader
Darvanshell (L)
Ivris (A)/Ulkina (B)
Fadar (B)/Kurt (O)/Ragshelm (B)
Lucca (A)/Luther (G)
Setup 2 (Arena team?/Speed-clear team?):
Kurt (O) leader
Maxwell (L)
Fadar (B)/Tora (G)
Feeva (B)
Kanon (L)
Those are the 2 main setups I was thinking about but these are subject to change.
Well, right now I'm raising my Tora, Yujeh, and Ivris for Trial 004. Fadar, Kanon, Kurt, and Feeva are more or less works in progress as of writing, since I'm just getting everyone to 6* right now.
Friend slots are open, by the way. I use either Lucca or Feeva as leaders, both 6*. Cost problems...
ID: 23603487
IGN: Raiko
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