Well, I found this meme on Pretty, Fizzy Paradise, and the meme tagged ANYONE...so...I would like to try it out...yeah.
First, select your ten fictional characters (from any medium) by
whichever method you like best. Then answer the questions below.
1. Daichi Shijima (Devil Survivor 2)
2. Atsuro Kihara (Devil Survivor)
3. Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4)
4. Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
5. Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy 9)
6. Kano Shuuya (KagePro)
7. Sig (Puyo Puyo)
8. Guy (Draglade)
9. Koichi Kimura (Digimon Frontier)
10. Bartz Klauser (Final Fantasy 5)
1. Divide the list up by even and odd. Which group of five would make
a better Five Man Band (like a Power Rangers team)? Who would you slot
in each position: Leader, Lancer (second-in-command), Big Guy, Smart
Guy, The Chick? If you think the team would be improved by swapping one
character between the even and odd groups, which ones would you switch?
Odd Team: Daichi Shijima, Yosuke Hanamura, Zidane Tribal, Sig, Koichi Kimura
Hmm...this is hard, considering every character I chose is male...let's see here. I have to say, Brosuke would be the smart guy in this one, him being the second-in-command of the IT and all. Daichi is the big guy, he hits pretty hard with Multi-Strike, you know. Zidane could be the leader, Koichi the lancer, and...Sig the chick? Well, he's the gentlest one among them all, not to mention the one who's pretty much stoic...
Even Team: Atsuro Kihara, Akihiko Sanada, Kano Shuuya, Guy, Bartz Klauser
HARDER. FAR HARDER. Umm...Atsubro is the smart guy, I guess. He's the reason behind the survival of the main team in DeSu. Akihiko is the leader, Guy is the big guy. Kano is probably the lancer...and that leaves Bartz as the chick? Oh man. Putting an all-boys character choice is a worse idea than I thought!
You know what we could do? Swap Hana-chan and Kano. Yeah.
2. Gender-swap 2, 8 & 10. Which character would have the most
change in their story arc? Which the least? Would any of these
characters have to have a complete personality change to be believable
as the opposite sex?
Gender-bended Atsubro? Umm...maybe not so much as a HUGE change...Atsuro is usually the one doing all the programming stuff, and Atsuro IS a smart one...so...maybe not...
Gender-bended Guy is a hard one. He'd have a large change in his story arc, maybe have more drama with Shelly. A complete personality change would not be totally necessary, I think...
Gender-bended Bartz? PFFT. He's a mime. He'll manage well. Trust me on this.
3. Compare the matchups of 1 & 8 and 5 & 9. (Ignore canon
sexual preferences for the moment.) Which couple would be more
compatible? Which couple would be more plausible to people from either
principal's home culture?
Shijima and Guy?! (laughs like a madman) No. Just no. One is a cowardly lion, the other charges headfirst into danger. Besides, they came from two TOTALLY DIFFERENT UNIVERSES.
Zidane and Koichi seems a bit more...doable... Koichi's this gentle person, and Zidane is also more on the friendlier side, but them being in two totally different universes don't help matters a lot...
4. Your team is 3, 4 & 9. The mission consists of a social
challenge, a mental challenge and a physical challenge. Which team
member do you assign to each challenge?
Hana, Aki, and Kou. A mental, social, and physical challenge. This is easy... Yosuke goes to social, Akihiko goes to physical, and Koichi goes to mental. Hana's a social person, Aki's an insanely strong Persona user, and Kou is a heavy thinker.
5. 7 becomes 1's boss for a week in some plausible fashion. How's their working relationship?
Sig's the 'I don't care what you do' kind of person...so...Shijima is free!
6. 2 finds him/her/itself inserted into 6's continuity. As far as
anyone other than 2 or 6 is concerned, they've always been there. What
role would 2 be presumed to have had in 6's story, and could they fit in
without going wonky?
Atsubro in KagePro? Arrgghh. This is going to be hard and wacky. Atsuro would be a part of the Mekakushi Dan, and his eye ability is to immediately identify and be able to hack into networks easily, I guess?
7. 3 and 5 get three wishes. The catch is that they have to agree on
all three wishes before they get the benefits of any of them. What three
wishes would they make?
Brosuke and Zidane. They'd wish for better dual blades, greater strength to fix their slightly 'fragile speedster' status, and more MP-restoring items?
Either way...they're my favorite characters...the fragile speedsters...
8. 1 and 2 are brainwashed by a one-time artifact that works even on
people immune to mind control to attack and kill 4. They keep their
normal personality, skills and competence level, except any Code vs.
Killing has been turned off. Can 4 survive? How?
Shijima and Kihara attacking Sanada? PFFFTTT- Akihiko wins, with a whole load of debuffs, Ziodynes, and good ol' punching. Oh, and the occasional Diarahan.
9. 6, 7, 9 & 10 must help an orphanage full of small and
depressed children have a merry Christmas. Who does what, knowing that
at the very least the kids will be expecting a visit from Santa?
Kano, Sig, Kimura, and Klauser. Bartz is tasked with being Santa, since he's, you know, A MIME. Sig is in charge of helping out by giving out gifts, Kano and Koichi entertains the kids, I guess.
10. 3 and 8 are challenged to circumnavigate the Earth in eighty days
or less, using only forms of transportation invented before 1900. Can
they do it, or will they be fatally distracted by sidequests or their
own personality conflicts?
Hana-chan and Guy...nah, they'll fail, mainly due to their personality conflicts...just saying.
Tagging: You wanna do it? Go on. I don't really care about tagging.
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