Oh wow. It's been a VERY long time since I last posted something here. BUT! I have some perfectly good reasons!
First is homework. Oh man, homework. ESPECIALLY A-Maths. It's pretty confusing...but I'll manage. Then, there's exams to worry about. And the last...it's stupid to say, but I've been too busy trying to clear my file of Devil Survivor 2. I'm stuck on the fight between Makoto and Ronaldo after the Mizar fight, and I saved everyone so far... I CRIED when Io seemed to die. She's one of my favorite DeSu 2 characters. My other favorites are Daichi and Jungo... So I'll be taking Daichi's route, thank you very much!
The past few days were pretty amazing here. For one, there was LITTLE TO NO RAIN. I know, weird, considering it's the rainy season in Indonesia right now. Then, my family goes to BEC a lot, and I got some new DS and PSP games, namely, Ouendan 1, Ouendan 2, and Puyo Puyo 7 for the DS, and also Disgaea 1 and Disgaea 2 for the PSP. I managed to get Carol, and am on my way to get Little Witch (fighting a level 50 Mizunotomi right now, UPDATE, beat it and got Little Witch) in Ayakashi Ghost Guild, though I'm like what, level 44? One thing's for sure, though... I won't be able to get Tendo Hidari-uma, Unicorn (Xmas), Miss Santa, or Terrence, aka Pipe Fox (Focused). Even though I absolutely ADORE the Pipe Fox (mainly because of his design, though...I started with him, kept him until now, he's level 21). I got Izanami in Guardian Cross. IZANAMI! Now, is there Izanagi, Susano-O, Amaterasu, or the like in that game? I found my Pokemon Ruby and restarted it with a Torchic. I found the manga for KagePro and instantly shipped Kano and Kido. I laughed at some trollfics too.
Oh, and it's 2014, the Year of Persona! There's going to be a new Puyo Puyo game, Puyo Puyo Tetris, this year too! And, here's hoping that Super Smash Bros Wii U will be done soon, and that Ness and Lucas will be returning! They need more love.
With this being the Year of Persona, I find it appropriate to start off this year with my first list: The Top Three Hardest Bosses in Handheld MegaTen Games. I know, weird that I'll just put 3... I'd just have a hard time cutting bosses down if it's more than 5, and 4 is just a weird number for a list... ALL MEGATEN BOSSES ARE HARD.
First, some rules.
1. One boss per game. If not, every single boss will be a Septentrion.
2. Only bosses that I've encountered, but not exactly beaten. Bosses that I have NOT encountered will NOT be put in. So, I won't be putting in Benetnastch, if he is THAT hard.
3. Bosses come from games that I have played. I think this is self-explanatory.
4. Optional boss fights, bonus bosses, and hopeless boss fights will NOT be included. So, if I don't put in Elizabeth, Demiurge, Lucifer, Bifrons, Botis, and the like, please understand.
5. All judgments are based on my first, BLIND playthrough of the game. If I found Beldr hard in the first playthrough, but not the next, he might be in it.
With that in mind, let's start!
3. Jotun of Grief (Persona 3 Portable)
Okay, first of all, I'd like to point out that the ONLY REASON I beat this guy was because I checked Megami Tensei Wiki for the ONLY type of attack he WON'T drain. THAT'S RIGHT. The Jotun of Grief drains ALL types of damage (barring Almighty, but who resists, let alone drains, it anyways?), except for Hama, Mudo (both null), and Pierce. THAT'S RIGHT. PIERCE. AND IT ISN'T EVEN A WEAKNESS. If that alone hasn't made me rage enough to climb back down Tartarus, change my (totally awesome) team of MC, Akihiko, Aigis, and Junpei into MC, Yukari, Ken, and Aigis, the fact that he still has the nerve to cast ALL the Ma-nda spells, that lower your stats, did. In a game like this, lowering stats can make your life easier, or harder, if it's your stats that are being lowered. He also knows MEGIDOLAON, the strongest hit-all ALMIGHTY spell (can't be blocked), and Primal Force (strongest Pierce attack in the game). He uses the Stagnant Air + Infuriate combo to make sure that ANY of your non-Pierce party members HEAL HIM. He also has Mind Charge (doubles magic damage the next turn), but mentioning that right now is just...ARGH.
2. Megrez (Devil Survivor 2)
This...this SEPTENTRION... He's the source of ALL MY RAGE in the fourth day of DeSu 2. Ronaldo has NOTHING on this guy.
Megrez has a relatively large attack range, and the arena is
relatively hard to move in, like what you’d expect from a harbor, unless you’re
moving with an Avian or a Genma. Dispelling miasma is pretty much a must in
this fight, or the fight will just get harder. Some of the miasma being on boats that are only accessible by Genma of Avian does NOT help matters. Megrez will not move unless
attacked, but when it is attacked, it starts RECOVERING HP every single turn.
It resists Physical skills and NULLS Fire, Mystic, and Electricity skills.
After it is attacked, it MAY move or RELEASE MEGREZ BUDS. Remember the bottom
half of Dubhe, encountered earlier that day? Yeah, this Septentrion can summon
them after being attacked. The buds will behave like they did in Miyashita Park earlier that day, dealing Phys damage to each ally team, and being able to attack from a distance. Probably the only saving grace for this fight is that
Megrez is weak to Ice. I used Team Nagoya: Airi and MC for attacking Megrez,
Jungo for beating the crap out of the buds, Fumi for dispelling miasma. I lost
Baphomet and Tlaloc to him. GAAAAHH. Oh, and the battle is on a time limit. Have fun!
1. Commander Gore (Strange Journey)
Probably shouldn't have gone with the Chaos route for my first playthrough. But, if I didn't, I have to fight Mem Aleph... Oh well, what's done is done. Commander Gore hits like a cement truck powered by rocket boosters. I'm not kidding. He has INSANE attack power, knows Fleeting Rain (strong, random-hitting Gun damage on all foes), knows the DEADLY Charge + Adaptation combo that will most probably kill if you're not guarding and not equipping armor with good Defense and resists Physical, using it ONLY ON THE MC. If MC dies, it's an automatic Game Over. He can also increase his attack power. Knocked his entire 15000 HP? He heals himself for 7500 HP. He reflects Gun and Physical skills, and nulls Hama and Mudo, like all bosses. Only saving grace? He's weak to Garu skills. Equip the gun Frost Ace gave to you, and you're set to Co-Op attack him to death. If you haven't been investing in Alice...have a nice battle. Looking forward to working together with him in the second playthrough on Neutral, and also beating the crap out of him in the third playthrough onwards with Susano-O. He's my favorite demon in Strange Journey. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have beaten Pillar Zelenin. Also, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be introduced to Yosuke Hanamura, and, subsequently, Persona 4.
There we have it. The top three hardest bosses in MegaTen games, at least, the handheld ones. If anyone is harder, please let me know.
Honorable mentions:
-Beldr (DeSu)
-Jezebel (DeSu)
-Sleeping Table (Persona 3)
-Mizar (DeSu 2)
-Ronaldo (DeSu 2)