I am so sorry for not being able to update for such a long time! I joined a camp, like the one around this time last year, and met up with my bro KirinMax AGAIN! It's weird though, we were so awkward with each other last year, this year we were around each other pretty much 90% of the time during free time and whenever there isn't any group-related activities.
BUT! New GGC. Right. Finished it a while back, let's hope my memory isn't rusty...
I trust with the abundance of 7* units, the first two stages will be easy. Then you reach the final one, Blades and Blossoms. Okay, fine, but what's this? No continues?
No gemming here?!
Welp...this is gonna be hard.
I only managed to beat this GGC after a few failed trials...first time 'round I brought my Lance for the ATK relative to DEF boost, and I failed. Then I swapped my Lance in favor of Magress's UBB buff...only to fail because of mistiming of the UBB. Then I used the exact same squad.
First thing's first: my squad. It's a weird hybrid between "being able to have constant defense" to "HELL NAW LET'S ATTACK", with these components (all MAX level):
Heavenly Emperor Kanon (G, UBB unlocked) lead
Galactic Treasure Ivris (B, UBB unlocked)
Dark Demigod Ardin (A, SBB 10)
Thunder Savior Shera (A, SBB 1)
Dark Legend Magress (B, UBB unlocked)
Cataclysm Empress Feeva (L, UBB unlocked) friend
First thing's first, though. For this fight, your squad needs at least 8.5k HP to survive on account of these two enemies just NULLIFYING leader skills after a certain point.
Kanon as leader because of his nice HP and DEF boost in leader skill, as well as his null status ailment, AND his DEF buff boost. Highest in the game, tied with Elimo, for SBB at 7*. The spheres I gave him are Legwand Gem and Blessed Robe.
Ivris as a healer, Angel Idol buff on herself (saves one Revive), and emergency BB booster and status nuller when LS goes down. While she is a Breaker, I equipped her with Drevas and an Evil Shard to help with her BB recovery, HP, and DEF.
Ardin for the Light and Dark element buff, which helped to bring the fight to a quicker close. Not only that, he has a nice ATK down debuff on his SBB, and considering the insane damage potential of Kikuri and Sefia in this fight I'd say it was useful. Spheres equipped were Legwand Gem and Virtue Stone.
Shera as the mitigator. I can't stress this too much: YOU NEED TO MITIGATE EVERY TURN FOR THIS GGC. Kikuri and Sefia can deal insane damage, especially when they null LS and then nulls your buffs. The ATK boost is useful too. Spheres were Legwand Gem and Ihsir's Guise, for the BB gauge return.
Magress as a backup mitigator and DEF buffer. On turns where LS is nulled, I tend to mitigate the first turn and activate Magress's UBB gauge, then use his UBB the next turn, then go back to Shera's regular mitigation until the next time they null LS, in which I tend to use any backup Fujins I have remaining if the Overdrive Gauge isn't filled yet. Spheres equipped are Leomurg and Evil Shard.
Feeva for the BC and HC drop boost (highest in the game right now), and the boost to BB gauge fill rate and BC drop rate during Spark LS. She's really useful so that you can spam BB/SBB every turn. Spheres on her are Spirit Tiara and Heresy Orb, and she was fully-imped.
As for the fight itself...it consists of two battles, the second one being considerably longer than the first.
First battle is against four Archangels and a Sky Goddess Raquel. They hit pretty hard so you might want to mitigate from turn 1, if possible. In this setup, I gave a Fujin to Shera and Feeva and had them SBB. This brought everyone's BB gauges to MAX and I pretty much SBB-spammed towards the end of this battle.
The next battle is the main event. First off, it's just Holy Blades Sefia. Try to manage your BB gauges well in this segment. Mitigate every turn, get Kanon's DEF buff up, heal when necessary, the usual. Whittle her health down to 50% and Death Idol Kikuri will appear. After this point just do your usual thing (mitigate, heal when necessary, etc., though you should be able to SBB spam safely at this point with Feeva lead and her BC buff) and the battleground will change to the Frontier Hunter background.
This is where it starts to get hard.
Sefia will recover all her health at this point. Focus fire on her.
During this fight, Kikuri will be able to recover HP, while Sefia will be able to remove buffs on one of your units. This is why Ardin's ATK down buff is a godsend; THESE TWO HIT HARD.
When Kikuri's health falls below 50%, she will recover all her health. Switch targets to her and attack.
Make sure their HP isn't too far apart, for reasons I will cover later on. If the HP gap becomes bigger, use STBB and attack normally until the HP gap lessens.
Supposedly, when the two's HP falls below half, they will null LS for 3 turns. Now, I say 'supposedly' because for some odd reason, when Sefia's HP falls below half while Kikuri's HP is still well over half, my team's Leader Skills still got nulled. Meh.
After the LS null wears off, they will null LS again approximately 2-4 turns later, so be on your toes and use BB/SBB appropriately! THIS is where Magress's UBB can come in handy, especially since at this point, their attacks hit HARD.
Another thing to note is that Extra Skills do NOT get nullified.
FINAL THING! You have to kill them at the same time. If you kill one before the other, you are REQUIRED to kill the other in the next turn. Failure to do so will allow the remaining girl to revive the dead one. To full health. If that happens, do yourself a favor and just ragequit.
You get the usual stuff: 3 gems, Zel, Karma, and a Sphere reward. The Sphere reward is the Spirit Tiara, which boosts ATK, DEF, and REC of a unit by 65% when the unit's HP is above half. It's really useful for Anima units, and my latest leader's sphere build relies on the Spirit Tiara.
Guess I'll see you guys soon!