Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My favorite Brave Frontier units! (Leaders)

Hey guys!

So for now, I'm gonna be talking about my favorite Brave Frontier units. I'll be giving some sort of small analysis of the unit, and the reasons why I like said unit. Reasons may include:

- Stats
- Brave Burst/Super Brave Burst
- Attacking power

You may notice that I have some words in parentheses at the top. I will be splitting my favorite units into different parts: Leaders, Attackers, and Support. This time, I will be talking about my favorite units as leaders. Among those three possible reasons on why I like the unit, there is the Leader Skill, which is why we select the unit as leader in the first place.

Also, this list comes from units that I personally have in Global AND JP, and are currently available in the JP version. Their lower evolutionary forms are available in Global right now, so it might give an idea on who you want to raise in preparation for the new 6* evolutions. This list is done in no particular order.

Here we go!

1. Grahdens (Dark, 5*, only available as Lord)

Grah is a trial unit, that is, he is obtainable by beating a trial in the Imperial Capital Randall. Grah is the enemy in Trial 002, which I covered a while back. He is an essential unit to fight Maxwell with in Trial 003, mainly because of his Leader Skill. His stats lean more to ATK compared to other stats as well.

I use Grahdens as my leader in my strong Global file. This is mainly due to his Leader Skill, which compliments well with my team there. In Global, my team is mainly composed of Light and Dark units, the only exception being my Empyreal Drake Lodin (Oracle).

LS: Ancient Authority (20% boost to all stats, 15% reduction in damage taken from Light and Dark units)
BB: Leader's Barrage (15 combo Light and Dark AOE, gives Light and Dark element to all allies' attack for 2 turns)

2. Defiant God Luther (Fire 6*, Guardian or Anima typing preferred)

Luther, Ruza, whatever. He's an awesome character to have.

Luther is a Rare Summon unit from Uda's batch. The units from that batch signify the power creep happening in Global right now (and JP back then). Their stats are superior compared to the Twelve Guardians, and they ain't scared to flaunt it.

Luther is a unit specially made for spark teams, what with his LS and SBB. His attack is high, but his defense is not something to write home about, so a Guardian typing is preferred for this guy. Or Anima, but I prefer Guardian. Personally, I absolutely LOVE his character design (I personally think he's better-looking compared to Uda. Lodin's still the best for me though.), and he is one of my most-wanted units in Global.

I use a Guardian Defiant God Luther as leader in my JP file, and I have an Anima Luther in my weak Global file. Luther is my leader in JP because my team is really easy to spark with.

LS: Raging Might (Boost to damage inflicted and BC produced during spark)
BB: Full Metal Cross (15 combo strong STBB, chance to inflict paralysis and weakness)
SBB: Inferno Sin (28 combo AOE that increases spark damage for 3 turns)

3. Empyreal Drake Lodin (Thunder 6*, Guardian or Anima preferred)

Ah, Lodin. He is one of my most favorite units in Brave Frontier history, and has beaten Lance for that position. Why? 6* Lodin is freaking awesome AND useful, especially his SBB and his LS!

He is a Rare Summon unit, and is generally considered one of the better units you could possibly summon, even when his cost is lower than some of the newer units.

Lodin has extremely high attack to begin with, much like Luther. His defense is nothing to write home about, however. It's the reason why Guardian typing is the most preferred for him. But, Anima is alright too.

Lodin is an extremely useful Five Light leader, and it's the main reason why my leader in Global might change to Empyreal Drake Lodin (Oracle) at times, other than the fact that his design is really cool.

LS: Five Light's Spirit (50% boost to attack power and boost to BB gauge fill rate for a team with 5 or more elements)
BB: Rising Quasar (Fills BB gauge of allies, and gives Thunder element to all allies' attacks for 3 turns)
SBB: Thunder Collision (15 combo AOE, gives Thunder element to all allies' attacks and BB gauge regen for all allies' for 3 turns)

4. ANY Ares Excelsior leader, most obvious being Crusher God Uda and Felneus


Ares Excelsior.

Just Ares Excelsior.

Why Uda and Felneus?

BC drop rate boost. That is all.

They're most useful in...any situation, really. But I like to use them in Frontier Hunter when it starts.

LS: Ares Excelsior (Huge boost in BB gauge fill rate)

I think that's it for now...see you, guys!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


2500+ pageviews! Thank you guys so much! I honestly never thought this would happen, not in a million years! I mean, gaming blogs usually don't get as much exposure compared to other blogs such as beauty blogs, right?

Also, with this post, I would like to congratulate fellow blogger Momiji, who happens to be my cousin, from the blog mocchimono! She was contacted by IASO to review one of their new products, some sort of...lip crayon? I don't know. Point is, she was contacted by a makeup company to review one of their products. WOW.

Congrats, girl, so proud of you! to wait for energy for Metal Parades to get my Guardian Wyvern to Duelmex before the Light Arena starts.

Preparing for Raid Battles!

June 4th, 2014. A monumental day in the history of Brave Frontier, since it was the date when Raid Battles were first launched in the JP servers.

With Global being approximately 5 months behind JP, we can expect raid battles to be out by October. Woo!

I've tried Raid Battles in JP and failed horribly at the second one (the turtle). I accidentally brought Ruza/Luther to the battle so...yeah. It was still RC 1 too! (hides in shame)

I have yet to retry that Raid mission. Frontier Hunter is back on in JP and I am aiming for rank 30000 or above. I run a spark team (aka my main team) consisting of:

Defiant God Luther (Guardian, leader) SBB 3
Empyreal Drake Lodin (Lord) SBB 5
Blade Emperor Zelban (Lord) SBB 1
Divine Light Alyut (Anima) SBB 7
Grahdens (Lord) BB 10

Once I have enough cost, Grahdens will be replaced with either Spear King Raydn (Lord), Red Swordsman Farlon (Breaker), Havoc Angel Ronel (Lord), Havoc God Luly (Anima), Tyrant Goddess Phee (Oracle), Duel-SGX (Lord), Black Lotus Lunaris (Anima), or Dark Warlord Zephyr (Breaker/Anima), or even Deemo and Little Girl if I max them up (Lord). But so far, I'll have to make do with Grahdens.

Raid Battles' primary focus is teamwork between players. Even so, with an insane team, it is highly possible to solo an early raid quest, but it's far easier if you're in a room with high-level, non-slacking players. Also, in higher Raid Battles, Elimo or Oulu is needed just to survive. With Raid Battles in mind, I'm preparing a team that can hopefully, HOPEFULLY, be able to survive in said mode.

I have three configurations in mind. Here they are:

Config. 1: Five Light

Empyreal Drake Lodin (Oracle, leader)
Duel-SGX (Breaker)
Legatus Melchio (Oracle)
Havoc God Luly (Anima)/Wise Mage Elimo (Anima)
Drake Angel Aisha (Lord)/Blade Emperor Zelban (Guardian)/Ice Master Dean (Anima)/Gaia Armor Edea (Lord)/Snow Queen Signas (Breaker)

Config. 2: Grah

Grahdens (Lord, leader)
God Eater Lira (Lord)
Terminator Lilith (Guardian)
Empyreal Drake Lodin (Oracle)
Legatus Melchio (Oracle)

Config. 3: Ares Excelsior

Felneus/Duelmex (Guardian, leader)
War Queen Ophelia (Lord)
Empyreal Drake Lodin (Oracle)
Legatus Melchio (Oracle)
Alpha Tree Altri (Oracle)/Havoc God Luly (Anima)/Ace Chef Lancia (Guardian)/Wise Mage Elimo (Anima)

Personally, I think the first configuration will last me well into the raid battles. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Red Room will make you fear the Internet.

'Anata wa ~ suki desu ka?'

Hey guys!

Recently, I've been reading a LOT of Japanese urban legends. The Kisaragi station, the fatal fare, Aka Manto, Teke-Teke, and Toire no Hanako are some of them. One urban legend in particular really interested me, however.

It's the Red Room. And it's creepy as hell.

Why is it creepy, however?

The original urban legend goes like this: You browse the internet, you encounter a pop-up that says 'Do you like ___?', you try to exit the pop-up, the pop-up turns to 'Do you like the Red Room?', and after that, it's all a blur. The next day, you're found in your own room, claimed to have committed suicide, and painting your entire room red. Hence the name 'Red Room'.

Someone made a flash animation that walks through the encounter with this pop-up. This is how the flash goes...

It starts off with two teenagers talking about the Red Room urban legend. The more skeptical of the two decided to do some research about the Red Room and finds nothing. He goes on his usual web activities when the pop-up shows up. Things play out like the urban legend, however, after the screen goes red, names start appearing. These names are the names of those who have fallen victim to the Red Room curse. The main protagonist notices two names in the end: his friend's name, and his name. He then notices an ominous presence behind him...

The next day, he is found dead, having 'committed suicide' and painting the room red with his own blood. When the flash finishes, if pop-ups aren't disabled, a pop-up similar to the one in the story appears.

Scary? Probably. Unnerving? Highly possible. But then again, it's all fiction. NOTHING WRONG can happen because of this flash...right?

But then the Sasebo Slashing happened.

The Sasebo Slashing is...really, really disturbing. Imagine a 12-year-old girl murdering her classmate because said classmate insulted the girl.  The classmate was murdered with a utility knife, and her body was slashed to pieces...

The 12-year-old girl, known as Nevada-tan, admitted to murdering her classmate.

Investigations happened, and we find out that the number-one bookmark in Nevada-tan's computer browser is the Red Room flash animation.

...yeah...creepy as hell...


Anata wa akai heya ga suki desu ka?

Iie. Watashi wa akai heya ga kirai desu!

...don't sue me, I'm self-teaching myself Japanese with anime and Vocaloid.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Useful notes: Brave Frontier

Hey guys!

It just occurred to me that there may be people reading this blog that haven't played Brave Frontier for long. So, here is a list of common terms that I use, along with other terms that can be commonly found in the Brave Frontier community (from my experience), with my best possible definition. Here we go!

The basics (aka You Should Probably Know This By Now)

BB: Brave Burst, a unit's special skill

BC: Battle Crystals, required to be able to activate BB

HP: Hit Points. If it reaches 0 the unit dies. If your entire party dies it's game over.

HC: Heart Crystals, for healing after battle.

SBB: Super Brave Burst, 6* units and above.

STBB: Single-target Brave Burst

RTBB: Random-target Brave Burst

MTBB: Multi-target Brave Burst

AOE: Area of Effect, has the same connotation as MTBB, where it targets the entire party.

Spark: This shows up when two units attack an enemy at the same time. It gives increased damage and more BC, HC, and item drops.

FH: Frontier Hunter, a monthly event where you can get goodies!

HR: Hunter Rank, which determines what rewards you're going to get from Frontier Hunter.

RC: Raid Class, which determines the difficulty of Raid quests you can do.

HS: Honor Summon. Keep those points for the next Super Honor Summon for easy frogs, crystals, gods, jewels, and imps.

RS: Rare Summon, where all the good units are. Except Eric. Only contains units up to Rigness's batch in JP. 3 gems a pop in JP, while its 5 gems in Global.

Super RS: Super Rare Summon. Guaranteed 5* and above (as of now) and is an event in Global. A separate gate that gives units from Feeva's batch onwards in JP. 5 gems a pop for both servers.

Debuffs: These are NOT status ailments. They can't be dispelled most of the time, and lowers a stat of the affected unit.

Overdrive: Think of it as Limit Break in Final Fantasy terms. When a 7* unit gets his UBB (SBB level 10), he needs to get into Overdrive mode and fill the Overdrive BB gauge in two turns tops to be able to unleash his UBB, which usually does insane damage and provides insanely good buffs. Magress, for example, provides a 100% damage mitigation. However, you also need to fill the Overdrive gauge to MAX before being able to enter Overdrive.

UBB: Ultimate Brave Burst, 7* exclusive insanely strong attack.

Trials: Can be considered end-game stuff starting from Trial 003: Maxwell (and X1, to an extent). Will give either an OP unit or an OP sphere reward upon completion. They're 50 energy a pop.

MP: Metal Parade, for level-up materials and Metal Mimics.

JP: Jewel Parade, for Zel

Zel: In-game currency, required to evolve.

Karma: In-game currency, required to upgrade facilities and to craft spheres.

Gems: In-game purchase, required to summon, refill energy, increase unit capacity/item space, and for RS.

GGC: Grand Gaia Chronicles, a series of hard quests that reward you with an OP sphere at the end.

Crit: Shorthand for Critical.

Team setups

BB Spam Team: A team that is designed to be able to use their BB really quickly. Commonly has an Ares Excelsior, Lilly Matah, Deemo, Rosetta, or Five Light's Spirit (for rainbow teams) lead, at least one unit with a high hit count, and other units will generally have a relatively fast BB fill rate. Commonly seen in Arena, where Brave Bursts are the key to victory.

Spark Team: A team designed for sparking. Almost always consists of units with high hit counts (a BB spam team leader is optional, but commonly used in Arena). Commonly used for item farming, often coupled with the Thief Bracer sphere, as well as in Raid Battles/Frontier Hunter where more damage/more spark damage = better item drops/more Esteem points.

Mono Team: A team with only one element in it. Commonly consists of an element ATK boost leader (eg: 50% boost to ATK and 10% boost to HP of one element, 65% boost to attack of one element, 50% boost to ATK and 10% boost to DEF and REC of Fire/Thunder/Water/Earth units). Not recommended in Lizeria or in later quests. Still viable in arena due to the advent of 7* units, with the starters providing a 100% ATK boost and 30% HP boost to units of the same element.

Trick Leaders: An extremely annoying occurrence in Arena, where a team is made to look like a mono team, but trolls the challenger since the team has that one element that can counter the mono leader's weakness. Becoming less common as people are mainly using BB Spam teams now. Moreover, rainbow teams are becoming extremely favorable nowadays, especially with the 7* leaders not providing an ATK boost to other elements, and the advent of the Dungeon Clearer batch, which gives all allies their element and their foil element buff for 3 turns. Oh, and QUAID/SHIDA.

Rainbow Team: A team that fulfills the conditions of the Five Light leaders for their LS. The team has 5 elements, basically.

Crit Team: A team that utilizes units such as Zebra and Maxwell to maximize damage output through Criticals (Maxwell is the more popular choice at this point in time though, due to superior stats and superior LS if utilized correctly). It works by raising critical hit rates through the roof using Duel-SGX or Colt's SBB (best buff at 60%), before unleashing all manner of holy hell onto the enemy.


That F****** Bird: Any unit from the Thunderbird line. Enough said. No longer significant due to 6* Ziz providing a multi-target BB AND SBB, with SBB providing a 70% Spark damage boost buff (that's the same as Elza). It's not bad, but if you have Elza, why not use her?

That F****** Unit: ERIC. Random-target BB AND SBB, are you kidding me?!

BB Fodder: Units that are only good for raising the Brave Burst level of other, stronger units.

Broken: A character that is unfair in a sense that he is way too strong. This was Hadaron before a nerf was implemented on his Stealth skill.

OP: Shorthand for Overpowered, it has almost the same meaning as Broken.

Spark Machine: A character that has a high hit count, and, therefore, is easy to spark with. Examples include Serin, Kikuri, Cayena, and Douglas.

Arena Units/BB Spammers: Units with fast BB recharge. Examples include Farlon, Lira, and Lilith.

Chargeup: The time a unit takes before unleashing its attack. It is the Copra line's main issue: Its attack literally takes 3 seconds after initiating to hit the opponent.

Evo Mats: Evolution Materials. Units used for evolution (i.e. Nymphs, Spirits, Idols, Totems, Mimics, Bulbs)

Burst Healer: Units that heal upon using Brave Burst. Examples include Altri, Ulkina, Lancia, and Elimo.

HoT: Heal over Time, otherwise known as HP Regen. Remember Phoenix? Yeah...he's notorious in the olden days for this.

DoT: Damage over Time. This isn't Poison, since it's a DEBUFF, not a status ailment. Reduces the afflicted unit's HP by a certain percentage at the end of each turn.


That F****** Level: Master of Lomass in Cordelica, solely for the fact that there is an extremely huge difficulty spike there, and we get a taste of cheap AI too (Zafonic Bullet hits everyone For Massive Damage instead of a random-hitting attack). Insignificant now due to the advent of mitigation units and the sharp increase in average strength of units.

Item-farming Quest: People often bring their spark teams to these quests so that they are able to farm materials for items such as Cures, Stimulants, etc.

EXP Farming Quest: A quest that has a high energy/EXP ratio, so that the player can increase his player level faster. Monday Karma dungeon is the most common quest for this type.

Rage Quit: Force-quitting the app when situations seem bleak. In regular Quests, you won't lose any items you used before rage-quitting. In Arena, it counts as a loss (at least in JP).

Cheap: Self-explanatory. The enemy is just annoying/overpowered and can kick your @$$ in a few turns if you're unlucky.

That One Damn Trial: Trial 003 Maxwell. Enough said. If Grah and Karl are easily beatable with units in the current metagame, Maxwell can still prove to be quite a challenge!

Raid Battles

Medals: Required to access slots, which can allow you to get goodies such as Sphere Frogs and Burst Frogs.


Random Number God: The god every player has to pray to before Rare Summoning, doing an event dungeon, or hoping the AI doesn't get cheap with the player.

View ABP: An Easter egg in Arena where one taps the area below the 'Refresh' button repeatedly, and after refreshing, the opponent's ABP will show up. May require several trials before it shows, however. Is now unavailable. Bring it back, Gumi!

Blobs are the cause of server downtime! : A running joke in the Facebook page of Brave Frontier is that they blame Burny and friends (mostly Burny though) for any problems in the servers. It then changed to Squirty once (Squirty splashed water on our servers), and now uses Squirty for the 'Advisory' banner. Whenever there is server downtime for an extended period of time, or when there is something wrong in the game (eg the Thunder Vortex Arena being unplayable), expect at least one post about another blob unit messing up the server. TURNED INTO A DUNGEON FOR APRIL FOOLS.

SJ/Sacred: Sacred Jewel sphere (15% boost to all stats)

Medulla: Medulla Gem sphere (20% boost to all stats)

I'll add more as time comes.

Bye guys!