So, I was browsing the web when I happened to stumble upon the new consoles from the 3 biggest players in the video game console industry. Nintendo has the Wii U, Sony has the PS4, while Microsoft has the Xbox One.
Now, we've been getting a whole lot of hype for them, that's for sure. All the big players of the video game industry are making games for them! For the Wii U, we're going to have the newest Super Smash Bros installment (Which has Mega Man, an Animal Crossing villager and the Wii Fit coach as playable characters! Let's hope Earthbound gets more characters. That game is SO underrated.), Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (Now, how will that work out, I wonder? Pretty interesting concept, though.), Mario Kart 8... For the PS4, there will be Kingdom Hearts 3 (FINALLY! I'm hoping Squall, Cloud and Tidus are in it, along with other Final Fantasy and TWEWY characters.), Final Fantasy 15 (About time Final Fantasy gets more realistic and starts going away from the usual hack-and-slash weapons. This game has FPS elements, so let's see if it will work out in the end. Which, considering that it IS Square Enix, they will do a very good job in it.), Metal Gear Solid 5... Xbox One has a new Call of Duty game, along with Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy 15.
However, I do not really like how Microsoft has been marketing their product. I've seen some news about a person wearing a Microsoft shirt, going around at Best Buy stores, trying to convince people that are looking at the Wii U or are participating in the Wii U events to buy the Xbox One. It is generally thought of that this person is a Microsoft employee. Or perhaps, really a Microsoft employee.
I also heard that the applause at the Xbox One Event was fake.
Because of the BestBuy incident and the fake applause incident, Microsoft has gained much hate from gamers. They just blow them off when the Microsoft employee would tell them to buy a Xbox One.
The reasons people don't want to buy an Xbox One? No backwards compatibility, the requirement of broadband to play ALL games... That alone is already a stick in the mud.
Not only that, the employees are targeting the WRONG market. Seriously people, we're talking about Nintendo here. They're in a league of their own. Nintendo games tend to be more family-friendly compared to Xbox and PS games. I mean, take a look at the Super Smash Bros series. It's a fighting game, yes, but it isn't as rough as the likes of Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter and Soul Calibur. And though I can be considered a video game junkie and a fan of fighting games, my favorite fighting games are Super Smash Bros Brawl and Dissidia Duodecim, and Super Smash Bros Brawl is easier to pick up and play. I spent a lot of time in Dissidia, trying to link Zidane's Meo Twister with the Kuja Assist I set him up with, then connect by going behind the opponent (press X when the prompt shows), then hitting him with another Meo Twister. It's all in good fun (and the feeling of accomplishment when you get a combo done), but if you're looking for a game that's simpler than that, Super Smash Bros Brawl is the game.
If you're going to sway customers to buy your console, Microsoft, target the Sony market. They have similar games as to yours. Besides, Nintendo fans are VERY loyal. The only consoles I have played on is the PS1, PS2, GBA, NDS lite, NDSi, NDSiXL, Wii, and PSP. Note that more than half of them are Nintendo consoles. Practically all the games I have come from producers producing for Nintendo consoles, whether exclusively or not. Pokemon, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Sonic, Tetris, Puyo Puyo, Final Fantasy, Kirby, Picross, BlazBlue, Shin Megami Tensei, TWEWY... I don't play Call of Duty or Counterstrike. I just can't play on a computer. Besides, all the good games are all on the consoles. Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Mario, The World Ends With You, anyone? The scores for these games are usually at the 90% range.
On another note, even though I am not that good in Business though I take it for the IGCSEs, I can tell what Microsoft is doing is NOT proper business conduct. There are better ways to market your product, but bad-mouthing your competitors will get you NOWHERE. The Xbox One was considered a step back for some of the people I've seen on Deviantart. It costs MORE than the PS4 and Wii U, promising quality through its pricing strategy but...the company already gained a bad image through the fake applause stunt, and now this.
One thing's for sure though. Games for the Xbox aren't really my cup of tea. I play Nintendo games usually. The most mature game I've ever played might be BlazBlue (for all the cursing), Soul Calibur (for the armor breaks), Dissidia (for Cloud of Darkness and Ultimecia), or Shin Megami Tensei (that one scene in Persona 3's pretty gory). So, there's already a huge chance that I won't buy an Xbox One. And now, the chance got even slimmer. Way to go, Microsoft. Way to shoot yourself in the leg AGAIN and get more bad image for yourself. You know, now people are starting to think that you're a company that's all for the money and not for the gamers. You need to start realizing that what you are doing is WRONG and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, get yourself out of the hole you just dug for yourself.
Seriously, Microsoft. Smart move. I'll probably get the Wii U for the Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart and SMT X Fire Emblem. If a new Dissidia comes up, I'd probably buy it, but I'm more of a Nintendo person.
I'd LOVE to send Kuja after Microsoft. And Kuja can destroy an entire planet with an Ultima spell. Just saying.