So, here you go!
Name (aka what I'd like you to refer to me as)
Raiko or AoiSenri. Any of those.
General stuff about me
- I'm taking the IB Diploma, and I'm in the process of writing my Extended Essay (on psychology, no less!) AND am currently thinking of IA ideas for Physics and Business, so please forgive me if I don't update this blog often.
- I'm one of the guys so it's no wonder if I'll remain single for a VERY long time.
- KirinMax, my brother from another mother, seems to be convinced I'm a tsundere, based on my reactions towards him whenever the topic of my crush (who I'm quite close with) comes up. I beg to differ.
- I'm a dark person.
- I NEED all the facts you can give me before I can make a sound judgement. I don't let my emotions run the show most of the time.
- Sexual innuendos fly over my head, but show me stuff like that and most likely you'll scar me.
- I'm shy in real life, but get to know me and I can chat your ear off.
- I smile a lot near people I'm comfortable with.
- If I'm not smiling, then it either means I'm deep in thought, or I'm angry, annoyed, pissed, or just DGAF. It is not wise for you to tease me in times like this because I will SNAP and feel no remorse.
- I'm the only Physics girl in my class, as well as being the youngest in class.
- I'm a bit on the antisocial side.
- I have a crush on one of my classmates (not gonna say who he is, maybe his name's written here?), but I don't care what he does as long as he's happy and what he does is what he feels is the best decision for him. :)
- I used to be bullied and I was painfully quiet and shy, but people such as KirinMax, Jen, Mel, Mike, Melina, and David have been slowly moving me out of that phase, whether they know it or not. I'm really thankful to have friends like them. ^^
- This smile of mine can be either genuine or a mask. Can anyone differentiate it, I wonder?
Drawing, listening to music, playing video games, reading, watching anime/Youtubers, talking with friends and hanging out with them, people-watching, stargazing, singing (when no one is watching), learning about human behavior, making (sucky) translyrics
J-RPGs, puzzle games, rhythm games, good food, learning about other cultures, tea, chocolate milk, psychological-horror manga/anime, tragedies, dark Vocaloid songs, Tokyo Ghoul, Persona series, Tales of series, J-Rock, rock music in general, Vocaloid, Utaite, Danganronpa, Corpse Party, Higurashi, Kagerou Project, myths and legends, and many others~
Onions, bell peppers, beating around the bush, speaking in public, stupid Internet trends (#cut4insertcelebrityname comes into mind). I am actually a very tolerant person.
I hate racists, people who stereotype, judgmental people, vengeful people, bullies, people who blow things out of proportion, unforgiving people...
Bottom line: If you judge people without trying to understand their situation or their train of thought, more than likely I won't have a high opinion of you. What pisses me off more are unforgiving people and people who hold grudges.
Random Vocaloid crap~
Top 5 Favorite Male Utaites
1. Soraru
2. Mafumafu
3. Amatsuki
4. Touyu
5. Shounen-T
Top 5 Favorite Female Utaites
1. Guriri
2. Hanatan
3. Akiakane
4. 96neko
5. Wotamin
15 Favorite Songs (mostly covered) (no particular order)
1. unravel (Tokyo Ghoul OP), particularly Touyu's cover
2. No Logic, esp. MafuTsuki's cover
3. Tousou Honnou, Mafumafu's cover
4. ItaiAtashiAshitaAitai, Mi-chan's cover
5. you (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni image song), particularly vipTenchou's cover
6. Ikanaide, JubyPhonic's English cover
7. Life is Only Full of Goodbyes, Amatsuki's cover
8. glow, Glutamine's cover
9. Terror, Mafumafu's cover
10. Enmei Chiryou, Soraru's cover
11. Self-Inflicted Colorless, Mafumafu's cover
12. This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee Speaking, Soraru's cover
13. Arifureta Kanashimi no Hate, Eli Ayase single from the Muse album 'Soldier Game'
14. Ayano's Happiness Theory, IA original and just about every cover
15. Crime and Punishment, Amatsuki's cover
11. Self-Inflicted Colorless, Mafumafu's cover
12. This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee Speaking, Soraru's cover
13. Arifureta Kanashimi no Hate, Eli Ayase single from the Muse album 'Soldier Game'
14. Ayano's Happiness Theory, IA original and just about every cover
15. Crime and Punishment, Amatsuki's cover